Hi All,
Just wanted to check whether there are other people running Mystic 1.12 A48 who
have inconsistencies in the date sort order within echomail areas.
My board has the issue that I have messages from 2022 listed after 2024 messages (e.g. message # is higher from a 2022 messages than from a 2024 message) when I resync an area.
Reason for resyncing was that I had some disk space issues (yes, monitoring should be better :P). Even a reset of an area and resyncing the last X days give the same result.
Apart from resyncing, I have seen this weird sorting prior to this as well (on my board).
To clarify, I'm not talking about date/timezone issues that are 'off by one' as
could be expected.
Anyone else experiencing alike behaviour?
ssh://|11g|03lobal|11v|03illage|11b|03bs|08.|11n|03et|08:|082222 |08(|07fsx|08) |0721:1/238 |08(|07agn|08) |0746:20/115
|08(|07tqw|08) |071337:1/117 |08(|07spn|08) |07700:1/117
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
* Origin: The Global Village
ssh://globalvillagebbs.net:2222 (1337:1/117)