• If I'm stuck paying dues..

    From August Abolins@618:250/1.9 to Shawn Highfield on Sun Nov 3 07:51:00 2024
    Hello Shawn!

    Last union I got stuck with my wages went down quite a
    bit. If I'm stuck paying dues and it's more then I pay
    for benefits now I'm going to give notice and look for
    something else.

    The last time I was part of a union was when I worked in
    Quebec. In Canada, you have the choice to steer your union dues
    to a charity if you do not what the funds to go to the union.
    That is what I chose.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: (} Pointy McPointface (618:250/1.9)
  • From Shawn Highfield@618:618/12 to August Abolins on Sun Nov 3 13:15:34 2024
    August Abolins wrote in a message to Shawn Highfield:

    The last time I was part of a union was when I worked in
    Quebec. In Canada, you have the choice to steer your union dues to
    a charity if you do not what the funds to go to the union. That
    is what I chose.

    Really? So if I did that I'd have to still pay for benefits separately?


    ... A cat's worst enemy is a closed door.
    --- timEd 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Dirty ole' Town (618:618/12)
  • From Rob Mccart@618:250/1 to AUGUST ABOLINS on Tue Nov 5 01:43:00 2024
    Last union I got stuck with my wages went down quite a
    bit. If I'm stuck paying dues and it's more then I pay
    for benefits now I'm going to give notice and look for
    something else.

    The last time I was part of a union was when I worked in
    >Quebec. In Canada, you have the choice to steer your union dues
    >to a charity if you do not what the funds to go to the union.
    >That is what I chose.

    When I was in high school I got a job in a grocery store and they have one
    of the strongest unions in the country (Canada). I learned real quick that
    if you work harder than everyone else, they called you first for overtime
    work at higher wages and extra hours. Long story short, that was working
    really well and others started complaining. The management gave me 3
    sets of Merit raises, something that had not been done in 15 years, and
    that gave me a pay rate that I would have had to work 3 years to get
    within my first year there.

    At one point I set a country wide production record and I found myself
    one night on a remote staircase being threatened by the union rep.
    No violence at the time but I was told if I ever needed the union for
    anything I could forget it. I told them I was doing fine without their
    help, and did this mean I could stop paying union dues? They didn't
    think that was very funny really. Some people have no sense of humour..

    No option back then for union dues to go anywhere but to the union.

    * SLMR Rob * If you wish to succeed, consult three old people
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From digimaus@618:618/1 to Rob Mccart on Tue Nov 5 18:29:18 2024
    Rob Mccart wrote to AUGUST ABOLINS <=-

    No option back then for union dues to go anywhere but to the union.

    I was a member of the UFCW Local 555 back in the late 80s in Portland,
    Oregon. I was paying $33 a month for no help and a bunch of hot air from
    the union. It's still the same way, I'm told.

    Unions had their place in history but these days, it's a way to make the
    union leaders rich and shaft everyone else.

    -- Sean

    ... "Lack of money is the root of all evil." - George Bernard Shaw
    --- MultiMail/Linux
    * Origin: Outpost BBS * Johnson City, TN (618:618/1)
  • From August Abolins@618:250/1.9 to Rob Mccart on Tue Nov 5 18:33:00 2024
    Hello Rob!

    [...] I told them I was doing fine without their
    help, and did this mean I could stop paying union dues?
    They didn't think that was very funny really. Some people
    have no sense of humour..

    No option back then for union dues to go anywhere but to the union.

    I think the option is presented to the employer or the Human
    Resources dept who manage the union dues deduction.
    Inotherwords, you don't need permission from the union.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: (} Pointy McPointface (618:250/1.9)
  • From Shawn Highfield@618:618/12 to August Abolins on Wed Nov 6 06:26:00 2024
    Hi August,
    In a message to Rob Mccart you wrote:

    I think the option is presented to the employer or the Human
    Resources dept who manage the union dues deduction. Inotherwords, you don't need permission from the union. --

    I have other arguments. If we are unionized and I didn't get the chance to vote becuase I work in the office, I think the entire thing should be thrown out
    and they shoudl have to start over.

    I'm gonna throw such a fit if I don't get to vote. So far no one has invited me
    or sent me any information about the union. (I get it from driver friends of mine)


    --- Grumble
    * Origin: Come in for a faith lift. (618:618/12)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to SHAWN HIGHFIELD on Wed Nov 6 09:27:00 2024
    I have other arguments. If we are unionized and I didn't get the chance to vote becuase I work in the office, I think the entire thing should be thrown out
    and they shoudl have to start over.

    When I worked in a union shop, those of us that worked in the office were
    not unionized. Are you sure the union in question is going to cover the
    office staff?


    * SLMR 2.1a * Wasting time is an important part of life.
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Shawn Highfield@618:618/12 to Mike Powell on Wed Nov 6 16:29:08 2024
    Mike Powell wrote in a message to SHAWN HIGHFIELD:

    When I worked in a union shop, those of us that worked in the office
    were not unionized. Are you sure the union in question is going to
    cover the office staff?

    We're just guessing. There are 7 of us that work in the office but are not management. The other 7 office staff are management, so we're really not sure what will happen. Other then the fact they are lieing to new Canadians about what they will get them.

    We have one client, if the union comes in and thinks that client is going to pay us what they want they are nuts. They will just fire our company and pay their own staff.


    ... #4: Do *not* go into a new echo and ask "What do ya all do here?"
    --- timEd 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Dirty ole' Town (618:618/12)
  • From Mike Powell@618:250/1 to Shawn Highfield on Wed Nov 6 19:35:00 2024
    Shawn Highfield wrote to Mike Powell <=-

    When I worked in a union shop, those of us that worked in the office
    were not unionized. Are you sure the union in question is going to
    cover the office staff?

    We're just guessing. There are 7 of us that work in the office but are not management. The other 7 office staff are management, so we're
    really not sure what will happen. Other then the fact they are lieing
    to new Canadians about what they will get them.

    Many of us office folks were not management and we were not unionized.
    Only the plant workers (Commercial Food Workers), truck drivers
    (Teamsters), and maybe janitorial staff were union.

    I was at the very bottom of the totem pole among the office staff. ;)

    We have one client, if the union comes in and thinks that client is
    going to pay us what they want they are nuts. They will just fire our company and pay their own staff.


    ... Here is a loud announcement... Silence in the studio!!
    --- MultiMail/DOS v0.52
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (618:250/1)
  • From Shawn Highfield@618:618/12 to Mike Powell on Thu Nov 7 05:57:00 2024
    Hi Mike,
    On <Thu, 06 Nov 24>, you wrote me:

    Many of us office folks were not management and we were not
    unionized. Only the plant workers (Commercial Food Workers), truck drivers (Teamsters), and maybe janitorial staff were union.

    Okay so there is hope for me yet. LOL Of course, as I mention below I
    don't see them doing naything but canceling the contract once the
    union is in.

    I was at the very bottom of the totem pole among the office staff.

    Me too. Don't get any lower then me, and I like it that way.


    --- Grumble
    * Origin: I've always been a bit maturer that what I am. (618:618/12)