• The DNC Lies

    From digimaus@618:618/1 to All on Tue Aug 20 18:09:30 2024
    From: https://tinyurl.com/27j6cr9k (substack.com)

    The "Top Ten Corrections to Lies About Trump That You'll Likely Hear at
    the DNC"

    Gov. Mike Huckabee | 8-19-2024

    My staffers are threatening to mutiny at the thought of having to watch
    four nights of the Democratic Convention this week. But they know it's our
    duty to watch this garbage so you don't have to, so we'll suffer through
    it, just as I'll have to suffer through their demands for a raise, or at
    least hazardous duty pay.

    What to expect? There could be some surprises, due to all the crazy
    pro-Hamas protesters and the chance that a resentful Joe Biden will go
    off-Teleprompter. (Note that Chicago removed the homeless people and is
    imposing war zone-level security to keep all the crazy pro-Palestinian
    protesters far away from the venue and the cameras. See, Nancy Pelosi
    knows how to okay a heavy police presence when she DOESN'T want a
    televised riot.) But most of it is very predictable:

    We'll see blue state Governors being cheered by the crowd and praised by
    the network anchors, despite the residents of their states fleeing them
    like they're on fire (California actually is, most of the time.) We'll see
    them attempting to put on happy faces and paper over more inter-family
    drama than you'll find in a DVD box set of "Dynasty." We'll hear plenty of
    balloon juice about "saving democracy" and "voter suppression" from a
    party that just disenfranchised 14 million of its own voters so that party
    elites could anoint a candidate who didn't get a single vote. Even New
    York Times liberal columnist Maureen Dowd admitted that Harris' coronation
    is a "coup" (or in Kamala's case, a "coup-coup.")

    We'll hear plenty of denigrating of Trump's record and how we must never
    go back to those dark days of energy independence, low inflation, rising
    wages, secure borders, world peace, $1.89 gas and the Democrats not being
    in power. (It's that last part that they really hate, even though it was a
    major contributor to all the rest.) They'll warn that if Trump returns,
    we'll see more "chaos," meaning riots, groundless investigations and all
    the other chaos they created and blamed on Trump.

    Most predictably, expect to hear a LOT of lies. You'll hear about the
    miraculous accomplishments and booming economy of Biden/Harris (Who you
    gonna believe; them or your lying bank balance?) You'll hear that the
    economy was on life support and inflation was 9% when Biden took office
    (it was actually strongly rebounding from the pandemic shutdowns and
    inflation was 1.6% -- it took 18 months of Bidenomics to get GDP growth
    down and inflation up to 9%.) You'll hear about how Republicans hate
    "immigrants," without making the distinction between actual immigrants and
    up to 20 million illegal aliens, some of them dangerous criminals and
    terrorists. And of course, you'll probably hear that Republicans want to
    bring back slavery (after leading a Civil War to end it) and force women
    to be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.

    But mostly, I predict you'll hear lies about Donald Trump. And I doubt
    there will even be any new ones. It will mostly be the same list of hoaxes
    that have been long-debunked, some even by liberal fact-checkers and media
    outlets. To save my writers having to correct these lies over and over
    every night, we're going to correct them in advance. These are the "Top
    Ten Corrections to Lies About Trump That You'll Likely Hear at the DNC."

    1. Trump's 2016 campaign did not collude with Russia. They wasted $30
    million of our tax money investigating that groundless accusation.

    2. Trump did not incite his followers to riot or attack police on January
    6^th, 2021. He told them to protest "peacefully and patriotically," and
    after the riot started, he urged them to obey the police and leave

    3. Trump did not try to grab the wheel of the Presidential limo and force
    his driver to take him to the Capitol on January 6^th. That's now been
    debunked by all the alleged witnesses.

    4. Trump never said there were "very fine people" among the neo-Nazis at
    Charlottesville; he actually said those people "should be condemned

    5. Trump did not refuse to visit a US military cemetery in France because,
    he said, the soldiers there were "suckers and losers." The trip was
    canceled because the weather was too dangerous for his helicopter to take
    off; and the "Suckers and losers" quote was refuted by everyone present,
    including people who are not Trump fans.

    6. Trump never said he planned to be a dictator from day one if reelected.
    He scoffed at the accusation, then joked that he would be a dictator for
    only one day, when he'd order the border sealed and oil companies to
    "drill, baby, drill." Joking about being a dictator for one day and vowing
    to be a dictator from day one are two very different things.

    7. Trump did not say there would be a "bloodbath" if he didn't win. He
    said there would be a bloodbath (financial) in the auto industry if Biden
    did win.

    8. Trump never suggested that Americans inject or drink bleach to fight
    COVID. Seriously, did anyone really believe that one?

    9. Trump's platform is called Agenda 47, not Project 2025. That's a
    Heritage Foundation initiative that Trump had nothing to do with and has

    10. Trump does not back a federal abortion ban; he agrees with the Supreme
    Court that it's a state issue.

    There are many other debunked lies about Trump that are as worn-out as
    Columbo's raincoat, but if we could just edit those 10 out of all the
    speeches we're about to hear, they could probably wrap this convention up
    in two hours. If you must watch this Super Bowl of hooey, then print this
    list out and have it by your chair. However, I would not suggest turning
    it into a game by taking a drink every time you hear one, or you might die
    of alcohol poisoning.

    -- Sean

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