I tried to use net2bbs, but for some reason, every time elebbs connects, it drops carrier immediately. Is there anything I can use with my BBS software that will identify repeated attacks and put them in a
blacklist? I'm already running Mystic for MRC, and don't want to run another BBS for this... I saw wail2ban, but that only identifies
login attempts for the OS.
From Newsgroup: micronet.bbs
I tried to use net2bbs, but for some reason, every time elebbs connects, it drops carrier immediately. Is there anything I can use with my BBS software that will identify repeated attacks and put them in a blacklist? I'm already running Mystic for MRC, and don't want to run another BBS for this... I saw wail2ban, but that only identifies login attempts for the OS.
Shurato, Sysop Shurato's Heavenly Sphere (ssh, telnet, pop3, ftp,nntp,
,wss) (Ports 22,23,110,21,119,8080) (ssh login 'bbs' pass 'shsbbs').
I added a text to shell command in logo.asc, which tells the user to screw off if they're not using ansi and runs netsh to add their ip to a block in the windows firewall. I think that's as good as it'll get!
I tried to use net2bbs, but for some reason, every time elebbs connects, it
drops carrier immediately. Is there anything I can use with my BBS software
that will identify repeated attacks and put them in a blacklist? I'm
running Mystic for MRC, and don't want to run another BBS for this... I saw
wail2ban, but that only identifies login attempts for the OS.
I tried to use net2bbs, but for some reason, every time elebbs connects,it
drops carrier immediately. Is there anything I can use with my BBSsoftware
that will identify repeated attacks and put them in a blacklist? I'm already running Mystic for MRC, and don't want to run another BBS for this... Isaw
wail2ban, but that only identifies login attempts for the OS.
net2bbs works well (I used it) did you copy the .dll to the system32 dir?
To: Shurato
Re: Pro-active firewall? By: Shurato to Shurato on Tue Jul 02 2024
09:41 pm
I added a text to shell command in logo.asc, which tells the user toscrew
off if they're not using ansi and runs netsh to add their ip to a blockin
the windows firewall. I think that's as good as it'll get!
okay well what if it just detects their terminal wrong?
you should use synchronet as a front end for your bbses.
net2bbs works well (I used it) did you copy the .dll to the system32 dir?
The BBS drops carrier right upon connection and yes I copied netfoss.dll to system32, but it's not using it until dos doors are loaded.
okay well what if it just detects their terminal wrong?
you should use synchronet as a front end for your bbses.
I certainly don't want people to have to log in twice...
I added a text to shell command in logo.asc, which tells the user to screw off if they're not using ansi and runs netsh to add their ip to a block in the windows firewall. I think that's as good as it'll get!
From Newsgroup: micronet.bbs
On 02 Jul 24 21:41:00, Shurato said the following to Shurato:
I added a text to shell command in logo.asc, which tells the user to screw off if they're not using ansi and runs netsh to add their ip to a block in the windows firewall. I think that's as good as it'll get!
What you're doing is akin to Snort in Pfsense which if you're running that or any decent firewall it should be good enough.
To: Shurato Re: Re: Pro-active firewall? By: Shurato to Nick
Mackechnie on Sat Jul 06 2024 11:50 am
dir?net2bbs works well (I used it) did you copy the .dll to the system32
The BBS drops carrier right upon connection and yes I copiednetfoss.dll to
system32, but it's not using it until dos doors are loaded.
Basically you set it up wrong and need to set it up correctly.
To: Shurato Re: Pro-active firewall? By: Shurato to Jas Hud on Sat
Jul 06 2024 11:51 am
okay well what if it just detects their terminal wrong?
you should use synchronet as a front end for your bbses.
I certainly don't want people to have to log in twice...
they wouldn't be logging in twice if you did it correctly. you would
be using synchronet as a front end. it would pick up and you could
use the fossil for your inferior bbs that doesn't have a fossil.
you could also benefit from the banning/blocking features.
People have been doing it for 24 years.
On 02 Jul 24 21:41:00, Shurato said the following to Shurato:
I added a text to shell command in logo.asc, which tells the user toscrew
off if they're not using ansi and runs netsh to add their ip to a blockin
the windows firewall. I think that's as good as it'll get!
What you're doing is akin to Snort in Pfsense which if you're running that or any decent firewall it should be good enough.
What you're doing is akin to Snort in Pfsense which if you're running that or any decent firewall it should be good enough.
I've just for Windows Firewall for a firewall. It will only hold a total of 1000 rules, though, so I need a solution that won't require me to purge the list every 2-3 days.
Basically you set it up wrong and need to set it up correctly.
I've tried 1.25 and 1.26 beta. I've got the command line c:\ele\elebbs.exe -N*N -H*H (I've also tried adding -B115200, where it drops carrier) and it times out trying to initialize the modem. I've asked Mike and even he doesn't know what I'm doing wrong.
It's a Win32 BBS and doesn't need a fossil except for when running DOS doors, which netfoss is written for. I could use syncfoss as well if I wanted to.
I could use Mystic just as easily.
I've just for Windows Firewall for a firewall. It will only hold a total of 1000 rules, though, so I need a solution that won't require me to purge the list every 2-3 days.
On 06 Jul 24 20:41:00, Shurato said the following to Nick Andre:
What you're doing is akin to Snort in Pfsense which if you're runningthat
or any decent firewall it should be good enough.
I've just for Windows Firewall for a firewall. It will only hold atotal of
1000 rules, though, so I need a solution that won't require me to purgethe
list every 2-3 days.
Snort is a solution.
To: Shurato Re: Re: Pro-active firewall? By: Shurato to Jas Hud on
Sat Jul 06 2024 08:38 pm
Basically you set it up wrong and need to set it up correctly.
I've tried 1.25 and 1.26 beta. I've got the command linec:\ele\elebbs.exe
-N*N -H*H (I've also tried adding -B115200, where it drops carrier) andit
times out trying to initialize the modem. I've asked Mike and even he doesn't know what I'm doing wrong.
you need to show him your command line. dont just type it in. show him actual screenshots or provide your setup file. i've screwed up stuff too. you were probably rushing.
I'll try to look into that, but I have no idea what Snort is.
I tried to use net2bbs, but for some reason, every time elebbs connects, it drops carrier immediately. Is there anything I can use with my BBS software that will identify repeated attacks and put them in a blacklist? I'm already running Mystic for MRC, and don't want to run another BBS for this... I saw wail2ban, but that only identifies login attempts for the OS.
On 07 Jul 24 10:18:00, Shurato said the following to Nick Andre:
I'll try to look into that, but I have no idea what Snort is.
A plugin for Pfsense.
Oh, I just have the windows Firewall, not pfsense. It wouldn't be a solutio for me; as well I wouldn't know how to add an IP address from the BBS to it.
Re: Pro-active firewall? By: Shurato to All on Mon Jul 01 2024 05:27
I tried to use net2bbs, but for some reason, every time elebbsconnects, it
drops carrier immediately. Is there anything I can use with my BBSsoftware
that will identify repeated attacks and put them in a blacklist? I'm already running Mystic for MRC, and don't want to run another BBS for this... I saw wail2ban, but that only identifies login attempts forthe OS.
If the attacks you defend against leaves a fingerprint in some logfile,
you can either shoehorn fail2ban into parsing that logfile and identifying the attacks, or write a custom script that runs every so often, scans the log file and triggers a response when the attack is detected.
The script that runs periodically is not a great alternative (because if
you have a scan periodicity of, say, 5 minutes, attackers can do as they want until thy are caught by the next iteration of the scaner). It s
simple, though.
I am not familiar with the software you are trying to protect so I cannot
be of much help.
On 07 Jul 24 12:53:00, Shurato said the following to Nick Andre:
Oh, I just have the windows Firewall, not pfsense. It wouldn't be asolutio
for me; as well I wouldn't know how to add an IP address from the BBSto it.
You don't.
Snort is an IDS. It automatically detects script kids, DDOS, POD etc and tells Pfsense to block them. An IDS is far superior than any Windows firewall.
Its part of a larger conversation about running a commercial-grade
firewall at home to stop this and other crap at the source, so you
are not trying to retrofit Internet security into silly hobby
software never designed for such.
I'm using Windows, not Linux. fail2ban isn't an option. There is nothing other than repeated connections from the same IP, so your option wouldn't work, no failed items in the log.
To: Shurato Re: Pro-active firewall? By: Shurato to Arelor on Mon Jul
08 2024 09:15 am
I'm using Windows, not Linux. fail2ban isn't an option. There isnothing
other than repeated connections from the same IP, so your optionwouldn't
work, no failed items in the log.
just use peerblock, then.
I have been I was just hoping that there was a proactive option for Windows.
Shurato wrote to Nick Andre <=-
I've just for Windows Firewall for a firewall. It will only hold a
total of 1000 rules, though, so I need a solution that won't require me
to purge the list every 2-3 days.
Shurato wrote to Nick Andre <=-
I'll try to look into that, but I have no idea what Snort is.
Shurato wrote to Nick Andre <=-
I've just for Windows Firewall for a firewall. It will only hold a total of 1000 rules, though, so I need a solution that won't requireme
to purge the list every 2-3 days.
I highly recommend looking at running pfSense as your edge firewall. I
run it here, along with iptables and fail2ban, and while I do get
script kiddies on ports 22 and 23, I can automatically block
troublesome subnets for 26 weeks (!) using a special f2b filter
(Linux only).
Shurato wrote to Digimaus <=-
Wouldn't I need extra hardware for this? I don't have that capability.
Shurato wrote to Digimaus <=-
Wouldn't I need extra hardware for this? I don't have thatcapability.
Yes, you would. It's "standard practice" to have an edge firewall and then a firewall on the machine with open ports to protect only the
open ports.
Yes, you would. It's "standard practice" to have an edge firewall and then a firewall on the machine with open ports to protect only the
open ports.
I'm in a studio apartment, with very little income and can't afford the room or price of additional hardware.
andYes, you would. It's "standard practice" to have an edge firewall
then a firewall on the machine with open ports to protect only the open ports.
I'm in a studio apartment, with very little income and can't afford theroom
or price of additional hardware.
Do you have a router? Many/most of them have an initial firewall built
Yes, I do. It just has a basic firewall, like Windows. I've got an instance of Mystic running now on the telnet end to forward connections to eleserv and block bots that way.
To: Shurato
Re: Re: Pro-active firewall? By: Shurato to Mike Powell on Sun Jul
28 2024 09:49 am
Yes, I do. It just has a basic firewall, like Windows. I've got an instance of Mystic running now on the telnet end to forward connectionsto
eleserv and block bots that way.
if you did a synchronet front end you could benefit from the blocking abilities. also i mentioned using peerblock software.
you could also just run it on a different port.
if you did a synchronet front end you could benefit from the blocking abilities. also i mentioned using peerblock software.
you could also just run it on a different port.
The Mystic front end seems lower weight than Synchronet and does the job,
Do you have a router? Many/most of them have an initial firewall built in.
Yes, I do. It just has a basic firewall, like Windows. I've got an instance of Mystic running now on the telnet end to forward connections to eleserv and block bots that way.
To: Shurato
Re: Re: Pro-active firewall? By: Shurato to Jas Hud on Sun Jul 28
2024 05:31 pm
blockingif you did a synchronet front end you could benefit from the
abilities. also i mentioned using peerblock software.
you could also just run it on a different port.
The Mystic front end seems lower weight than Synchronet and does thejob,
why do you think it's 'lower weight'?
Shurato wrote to Digimaus <=-
I'm in a studio apartment, with very little income and can't afford the room or price of additional hardware.
Shurato wrote to Digimaus <=-
I'm in a studio apartment, with very little income and can't affordthe
room or price of additional hardware.
Me as wall. I live off of Social Security and live in a Section 8 apartment. I'm physically disabled and cannot work due to that and doctor's orders (having teo heart attacks is a bad thing). I have
stuffed the BBS server, my pfSense firewall, and my WAP under and on
a small end table I bought from Walmart. I am hoping to get this
desk by the end of the year: https://tinyurl.com/247fg7qt
(wayfair.com) so I can move everything out to my living room and no
more computers in the bedroom save for a thin client.
Supposedly, you can also do what you are doing with mystic by using synchronet but I have not figured out exactly how just yet.
Installing Mystic was only a couple of megs, where a whole Synchronet install seems like it would be quite a bit mor than that. It was also easy
to set
up where I wouldn't have a clue how to do it with Sync.
stuffed the BBS server, my pfSense firewall, and my WAP under and on
a small end table I bought from Walmart. I am hoping to get this
desk by the end of the year: https://tinyurl.com/247fg7qt
(wayfair.com) so I can move everything out to my living room and no
Supposedly, you can also do what you are doing with mystic by using synchronet but I have not figured out exactly how just yet.
you mean how to run synchronet as a front end and pass off to another bbs?
From Newsgroup: micronet.bbs
Supposedly, you can also do what you are doing with mystic by using synchronet but I have not figured out exactly how just yet.
you mean how to run synchronet as a front end and pass off to another bbs?
Correct. I know how to do it via the doors menu, but not how to have synchronet take the call and then automatically/semi-automatically pass off without requiring a synchronet logon first.
Ok, I'm thinking about getting a mini-pc for pfsense. What is the
minimal configuration I could get away with? I'm thinking 4 core, 4 thread, 8GB RAM and a 256-512GB NVME SSD.
that looks fucking enormous.
I have a six foot metal and wood folding table that is real tough.
it can hold several hundred pounds.
Correct. I know how to do it via the doors menu, but not how to have
synchronet take the call and then automatically/semi-automatically pass off >> without requiring a synchronet logon first.
oh, that is very easy. you just use the telegate script and make it your login module.
you can even do it a few other ways.
login module.
you can even do it a few other ways.
Thanks, I will have to play with that some. I wonder if it allows for multiple connections, i.e. multi-node? I will have to test that.
login module.
you can even do it a few other ways.
Thanks, I will have to play with that some. I wonder if it allows for multiple connections, i.e. multi-node? I will have to test that.
multiple connections to what
Thanks, I will have to play with that some. I wonder if it allows for multiple connections, i.e. multi-node? I will have to test that.
multiple connections to what
Another board that accepts multi-node connections.
Hello Shurato,
Thursday August 01 2024 19:24, you wrote to Digimaus:
Ok, I'm thinking about getting a mini-pc for pfsense. What is the minimal configuration I could get away with? I'm thinking 4 core, 4 thread, 8GB RAM and a 256-512GB NVME SSD.
You could buy a pfSense firewall box preconfigured for $189 that is basically plug-and-pay: https://shop.pfsense.com/products/1100-pfsense
I'd go the preconfigured route myself. Much easier.
I have a friend sending me one, so I'm set. It'll be preconfigured as well.
Hello Shurato!
06 Aug 24 18:33, you wrote to me:
I have a friend sending me one, so I'm set. It'll be preconfiguredas
I have my pfSense box running on an old HP Elitedesk 705 desktop (3.4Ghz i5, 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, with dual PCIe Intel PRO/1000 NICs)...absolute overkill for a firewall but it's what I had laying around in spare
parts. Handles everything that gets thrown at it very nicely.
Like I said before, an edge firewall will not protect open ports. You have to have a good firewall on the machine with open ports so it
can protect itself.
What would you suggest for Win32 for the latter? I've got Bitdefender running, but I've been using the Windows firewall. I have some services under Win64 and some under Linux. Win64 is running the Windows Firewall wit
What would you suggest for Win32 for the latter? I've got Bitdefender
Shurato wrote to Sean Dennis <=-
What would you suggest for Win32 for the latter? I've got Bitdefender running, but I've been using the Windows firewall. I have some
services under Win64 and some under Linux. Win64 is running the
Windows Firewall with MalwareBytes helping and Linux just has UFW.
From Newsgroup: micronet.bbs
What would you suggest for Win32 for the latter? I've got Bitdefender running, but I've been using the Windows firewall. I have some services under Win64 and some under Linux. Win64 is running the Windows Firewall wit
Are you doing this just for fun or what? I don't even think I have the firewall turned on the BBS machine. I don't see the point. My RGBOT
Windows Firewall with MalwareBytes helping and Linux just has UFW.
To be honest, I have never had to use Windows for a firewall. You can use Windows Firewall but it can be very complicated. Unfortunately, I can't help much there.
They used those exploits and put ransomeware on it and did the little txt f on the desktop where i had to send them money to a bitcoin address.
With windows firewall up, they wouldn't be able to do that. My other win7 were fine.
From Newsgroup: micronet.bbs
They used those exploits and put ransomeware on it and did the little txt f on the desktop where i had to send them money to a bitcoin address.
With windows firewall up, they wouldn't be able to do that. My other win7 were fine.
I think the Win7 firewall is up, yeah, the stock one is .... I know I had it down when I was having issues with net2bbs (which ending up being my router needing powered off for like 15 mins) .... Weirdest damn thing ... just would unhook the port for no reason. Crazy electric things! <G>
Well windows firewall is pretty easy.
the thing is, if you add a lot of entries it starts acting weird, or atleast for me it did.
To: T.J. Mcmillen
Re: Re: Pro-active firewall? By: T.J. Mcmillen to Jas Hud on Thu Aug
08 2024 04:03 pm
From Newsgroup: micronet.bbs
littleThey used those exploits and put ransomeware on it and did the
txt f on the desktop where i had to send them money to a bitcoin address.
otherWith windows firewall up, they wouldn't be able to do that. My
win7 were fine.
I think the Win7 firewall is up, yeah, the stock one is .... I know Ihad it
down when I was having issues with net2bbs (which ending up being myrouter
needing powered off for like 15 mins) .... Weirdest damn thing ...just
would unhook the port for no reason. Crazy electric things! <G>
i still miss blackice defender.
Sysop: | Sarah |
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