• Follow-up on: Z4 updates / Cambios Z4

    From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to David Gonzalez on Fri Nov 15 12:18:12 2024
    Hello David.

    <<Following up a message from Marc Lewis to David Gonzalez about Re: Z4 updates / Cambios Z4 >>

    <On 24Oct2024 09:26 David Gonzalez (3:633/2744.188) wrote a message
    to Marc Lewis regarding Z4 updates / Cambios Z4 >

    Estar‚ encantado de proporcionarte un feed. Solo tienes que
    enviarme un NetMail a Marc Lewis 1:396/45. Entonces podr‚
    configurar el sistema para que te proporcione un enlace a los
    archivos y al correo de eco. Las respuestas del sistema estar n en

    Hola David,

    Hace poco que tengo configurado tu sistema. Sin embargo, tengo problemas con la configuraci¢n de binkd para enviar cualquier cosa fuera de la Zona 1. Se ha negado a escanear los otros directorios de la zona (estilo Binkley). He hecho una pregunta de orientaci¢n en el eco de binkd fidonet y espero una respuesta en breve.

    Un saludo,

    Best regards,

    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to David Gonzalez on Fri Nov 15 18:00:34 2024
    Hello David.

    <<Following up a message from Marc Lewis to David Gonzalez about Follow-up on: Z4 updates / Cambios Z4 >>

    Estar‚ encantado de proporcionarte un feed. Solo tienes que
    enviarme un NetMail a Marc Lewis 1:396/45. Entonces podr‚
    configurar el sistema para que te proporcione un enlace a los
    archivos y al correo de eco. Las respuestas del sistema estar n en

    Hola David,

    Hace poco que tengo configurado tu sistema. Sin embargo, tengo
    problemas con la configuraci¢n de binkd para enviar cualquier cosa
    fuera de la Zona 1. Se ha negado a escanear los otros directorios
    de la zona (estilo Binkley). He hecho una pregunta de orientaci¢n
    en el eco de binkd fidonet y espero una respuesta en breve.

    He corregido los problemas de configuraci¢n que ten¡a con binkd. Sin embargo, cuando me conecto a tu sistema, este rechaza la conexi¢n debido a un error de contrase¤a. Estoy usando la contrase¤a que me diste en tu mensaje de fidonet. Recuerda que la contrase¤a distingue entre may£sculas y min£sculas en binkd. Estoy usando la contrase¤a exacta que me diste, pero no funciona.


    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Marc Lewis on Sun Nov 17 01:19:04 2024


    Also to you ... this is an english-language echo ... please stick to that. It's even the official language of Fidonet. OK?

    No need to etalate your exquisite knowledge of Google/Translate.

    Certainly you saw my previous remark to Fernando about his usage of spanish here.


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to Ward Dossche on Sat Nov 16 19:58:26 2024
    Hello Ward.

    <On 17Nov2024 01:19 Ward Dossche (2:292/854) wrote a message to Marc Lewis regarding Re: Follow-up on: Z4 updates / Cambios Z4 >


    Also to you ... this is an english-language echo ... please stick
    to that. It's even the official language of Fidonet. OK?

    No need to etalate your exquisite knowledge of Google/Translate. Certainly you saw my previous remark to Fernando about his usage of spanish here.

    I was simply NOT aware that it was English only. I did not see you previous message to Fernando. I speak relatively fluent Spanish - Google Translate is unnecessary to me for most things other than French and Italian. From here-on-out I will post only in English.

    Best regards,

    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)
  • From Marc Lewis@1:396/45 to David Gonzalez on Sat Nov 16 20:03:30 2024
    Hello David.

    <<Following up a message from Marc Lewis to David Gonzalez about Follow-up on: Z4 updates / Cambios Z4 >>

    Estar‚ encantado de proporcionarte un feed. Solo tienes que
    enviarme un NetMail a Marc Lewis 1:396/45. Entonces podr‚
    configurar el sistema para que te proporcione un enlace a los
    archivos y al correo de eco. Las respuestas del sistema estar n en
    I'd be happy to provide you with a feed. Just send me a NetMail at Marc Lewis 1:396/45. I can then configure the system to provide you with a link to the files and echo mail. The system's responses will be in English.
    Hola David,

    Hace poco que tengo configurado tu sistema. Sin embargo, tengo
    problemas con la configuraci¢n de binkd para enviar cualquier cosa
    fuera de la Zona 1. Se ha negado a escanear los otros directorios
    de la zona (estilo Binkley). He hecho una pregunta de orientaci¢n
    en el eco de binkd fidonet y espero una respuesta en breve.

    He corregido los problemas de configuraci¢n que ten¡a con binkd.
    Sin embargo, cuando me conecto a tu sistema, este rechaza la
    conexi¢n debido a un error de contrase¤a. Estoy usando la
    contrase¤a que me diste en tu mensaje de fidonet. Recuerda que la contrase¤a distingue entre may£sculas y min£sculas en binkd. Estoy
    usando la contrase¤a exacta que me diste, pero no funciona.
    I have recently set up your system. However, I am having problems with configuring binkd to send anything outside of Zone 1. It has refused to scan the other directories in the zone (Binkley style). I have asked a guidance question in the binkd fidonet echo and expect a response shortly.
    I have corrected the configuration problems I was having with binkd.
    However, when I connect to your system, it refuses the connection due to a password error. I am using the password you gave me in your fidonet message. Remember that the password is case sensitive in binkd. I am using the exact password you gave me, but it is not working.

    Further follow-up:
    This is giving me fits. I even tried having it connect directly to 3:633/2744 but it answers "No such AKA". This is becoming a bit of a headache. I have tried every trick in the book to connect to your system, fruitlessly. Please communicate with me via e-mail at marc.w@marclewis.org. Until such time I am going to try moving your outbound NetMail to one of my temporary directories until we get this confusion resolved.

    Best regards,

    --- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,AL-bbs.sursum-corda.com (1:396/45)