Between several Z4 sysops we want to start a process to vote for a new
ZC and move the main node to another BBS.
Between several Z4 sysops we want to start a process to vote for a new
ZC and move the main node to another BBS.
We are now 4 months down the road. Has this in the meantine gotten anywhere?
I understand there are nodes wishing to join Fidonet in Z4 but the sysop of 4:4/0 4:90/0 and 4:902/0 is completely unresponsive within the Fidonet framework.
As you know he is the spokesperson for the President of Argentina, all his attention goes in that direction as I can see on Facebook and he completely has abandoned his mandates as well as rensponsibilities in Fidonet.
Please have the sysops of Z4 take the necessary initiatives to deal with the situation and have different people occupy said nodenumbers. I am certain that every well-intended sysop anywhere else will help you with whatever is needed to achieve this.
My dear friends in Z4,We have decided that I will be the next ZC and we will connect the Z4
Although I am in Z1 and obviously cannot be a canditate, I would like to offer everyone a different connectivity option.
My system at 1:396/45 is readily available to accept anyone from Z4 that needs a source to receive and send FidoNet echomail.
If you so desire, you can send me either NetMail or e-mail ( and I will be happy to set up an echomail or file feed. I utilize binkd for easy and rapid transfers of all data. I will be more than happy to get you set up quickly.
Hi Mark, sorry for the delay, we were a bit busy.
The rest of the Z4 sysops are already connected to me
I have been selected to take this position.
I was for a while with limited access due to family issues
But now I'm back.
The next step is to reconnect the routing of the zones against my bbs.
I take this opportunity to ask you with whom I should make the links of
Z1 and Z2 since we have to do everything from scratch
Are you currently the one routing Z1 against Z4?
My system at 1:396/45 is readily available to accept anyone from Z4
that needs
a source to receive and send FidoNet echomail.
If you so desire, you can send me either NetMail or e-mail
( and I will be happy to set up an echomail or
file feed. I utilize binkd for easy and rapid transfers of all
data. I will be more than happy to get you set up quickly.
Hi Mark, sorry for the delay, we were a bit busy.
We have decided that I will be the next ZC and we will connect the
Z4 from my bbs.
Are you currently the one routing Z1 against Z4?
We have to start from scratch by setting up the links again. The
rest of the Z4 sysops are already connected to me
Hola Fernando, aunque no hago ning£n "enrutamiento" de mensajes,
puedo manejar cualquier tr fico entrante de netmail y
retransmitirlo adecuadamente. Tengo buena conectividad y mi fuente principal de mensajes es el Z1C. Espero que esto te brinde la
informaci¢n necesaria.
Hello Fernando, although I do not do any actual "routing" of
messages, I can handle any incoming netmail traffic and relay it appropriately. I have good connectivity and my principal message
source is the Z1C. Hopefully this will give you the necessary information.
Hello All.
<<Following up a message from Marc Lewis to Fernando Toledo about Z4 updates / Cambios Z4 >>
Hola Fernando, aunque no hago ning£n "enrutamiento" de mensajes,
puedo manejar cualquier tr fico entrante de netmail y
retransmitirlo adecuadamente. Tengo buena conectividad y mi
fuente principal de mensajes es el Z1C. Espero que esto te brinde
la informaci¢n necesaria.
Hello Fernando, although I do not do any actual "routing" of
messages, I can handle any incoming netmail traffic and relay
it appropriately. I have good connectivity and my principal
message source is the Z1C. Hopefully this will give you the
necessary information.
Debido a toda la controversia y los aparentes conflictos que se est n dando en torno a los feeds de datos de FidoNet, retiro mi oferta. Me
niego a ser parte de esta aparente tonter¡a y de estos insultos. Mi
oferta fue sencilla y sincera. Soy demasiado viejo para soportar este
tipo de preocupaciones.
Due to all the controversy and apparent conflicts going on about
FidoNet data feeds, I am withdrawing my offer. I refuse to be a part
of this apparent foolishness and name calling. My offer was a simple
and sincere one. I'm too old to put up with these kind of worries.
Marc Lewis
--- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,
Hello Marc![snip]
23 Oct 24 09:33, you wrote to all:
Yeah, I consider calling anyone a "hyena" is not very respecful...
I was warned the way things were going now on fidonet fille dwith
grumpy old people and also filled with insults and non-sense.
Sorry about what happened to you Mark.
Hello David.
<On 23Oct2024 21:24 David Gonzalez (3:633/2744.188) wrote a message to Marc Lewis regarding Z4 updates / Cambios Z4 >
Hello Marc!
23 Oct 24 09:33, you wrote to all:
Yeah, I consider calling anyone a "hyena" is not very
I was warned the way things were going now on fidonet fille dwith
grumpy old people and also filled with insults and non-sense.
Sorry about what happened to you Mark.[snip]
Gracias, David.
Ward me ha aclarado algunas cosas. En vista de ello, volver‚ a ofrecer
mi enlace a quien lo necesite, independientemente de la zona en la que
se encuentre.
Sigo siendo una "parte neutral" y no tengo intenci¢n de interferir en nada. Si se necesita un enlace al resto de FidoNet, lo volver‚ a
Best regards,
--- timEd/2 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: Sursum Corda! BBS-Huntsville,
Muchas gracias por responder, d eigual manera quisiera solicitarte
si e sposible siendo apenas un punto un enlace pra recibir la Z4,
estoy en Colombia peor no he podido encontrar quien me de una mano
para regresar a fido ademas de Deon George en New Zeland, que esta
un poco lejos de mi.
Vi en Panama la R92 creada, yo fui RC de la R93 y me gustaria
volver a pdoer hacerlo, peor ni Fernando Toledo, ni John al RC de
Panama me respondedn.
Saludos y exitos.
Muchas gracias por responder, d eigual manera quisiera solicitarte si e sposible siendo apenas un punto un enlace pra recibir la Z4, estoy en Colombia peor no he podido encontrar quien me de una mano para regresar a fido ademas de Deon George en New Zeland, que esta un poco lejos de mi.
Vi en Panama la R92 creada, yo fui RC de la R93 y me gustaria volver a pdoer hacerlo, peor ni Fernando Toledo, ni John al RC de Panama me respondedn.
The official language of Fidonet is english ... you too Marc.
Muchas gracias por responder, d eigual manera quisiera solicitarte
si e sposible siendo apenas un punto un enlace pra recibir la Z4,
estoy en Colombia peor no he podido encontrar quien me de una mano
para regresar a fido ademas de Deon George en New Zeland, que esta
un poco lejos de mi.
If you operate out of Z4 then you need to find a home in Z4 ...
especially now that we maybe are going to get some life into it. A new node really counts.
Vi en Panama la R92 creada, yo fui RC de la R93 y me gustaria
volver a pdoer hacerlo, peor ni Fernando Toledo, ni John al RC de
Panama me respondedn.
John in Panama is a lost cause, it is a dead region and even if he
pops-up again, these one-node regions are not to be encouraged. Historically OK, but not brand new.
Fernando should be more accessible, it seems he was just elected as
the Z4C ... maybe he could respond here ...
--- DB4 - 20230201
* Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
Tried netmailing him but I'm gussing he might be a tad busy now setting up, I tried Angel Ripoll whom I remmeber from when I was R93.
Hola David!
25 Oct 24 21:25, David Gonzalez dijo a Ward Dossche:
Tried netmailing him but I'm gussing he might be a tad busy now
setting up, I tried Angel Ripoll whom I remmeber from when I was
I don't remember you sending me a netmail, but let me know how I
can help you.
Maybe you can write to Fernando, besides by netmail, by echomail
in the echoarea esp.argentina. All (or almost all) of the active nodes
of Z4 are there. You can find the area in several systems including
Un saludo,
Angel Ripoll
aripoll @
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240209 + HPT 1.9 + Binkd 1.1 en Debian
* Origin: Synchronet - - Zruspa's BBS - (2:341/66)
Muchas gracias por responder, d eigual manera quisiera solicitarte si e sposible siendo apenas un punto un enlace pra recibir la Z4, estoy en Colombia peor no he podido encontrar quien me de una mano para regresar a fido ademas de Deon George en New Zeland, que esta un poco lejos de mi.
Vi en Panama la R92 creada, yo fui RC de la R93 y me gustaria volver a pdoer hacerlo, peor ni Fernando Toledo, ni John al RC de Panama me respondedn.
Saludos y exitos.
El 24/10/24 a las 11:26, David Gonzalez escribió:
Muchas gracias por responder, d eigual manera quisiera solicitarte
si e sposible siendo apenas un punto un enlace pra recibir la Z4,
estoy en Colombia peor no he podido encontrar quien me de una mano
para regresar a fido ademas de Deon George en New Zeland, que esta
un poco lejos de mi.
Vi en Panama la R92 creada, yo fui RC de la R93 y me gustaria volver
a pdoer hacerlo, peor ni Fernando Toledo, ni John al RC de Panama me
Saludos y exitos.
hola estoy con unos temas de salud, pero estoy activo
en el transcurso de la zemana vamos a conectarte
slo ten un poquito de paciencia.
Con respecto a la red de panama esta inactiva.
y no veo problemas en que levantemos la red de colombia par conservar
tus direcciones.
--- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
* Origin: Dock Sud BBS - (4:902/26)
Unfortunatelly I don't see that to sub to on my uplink, *maybe it's my fauult* I just wanted to follow the policy4 doc procedure, ebcause
*some* people tend to get *delicate* when you don't do stuff their way. ANywho, I will try to find a way.
On 27 Oct 2024, David Gonzalez said the following...
Hello David,
Unfortunatelly I don't see that to sub to on my uplink, *maybe
it's my fauult* I just wanted to follow the policy4 doc
procedure, ebcause *some* people tend to get *delicate* when you
don't do stuff their way. ANywho, I will try to find a way.
I can help you out. I have netmailed you with more details, please
let me know if you don't receive it.
... If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good. -Bill Gates.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (macOS/64)
* Origin: Saturn's Orbit BBS - Back from the ashes (4:801/188)
Well, unless I missed out, I didn't get any netmails for the past few weeks, strange, but the way my comeback has come around, I do not want
to bother anyone.
In the meantime, I'd really value your help becaue apart from sounding *winey*, which I'm not I've had a frustrating and rough patch trying to love-back BBSing.
Hello Flavio!
05 Nov 24 15:45, you wrote to me:
FB> On 27 Oct 2024, David Gonzalez said the following...
FB> Hello David,
Hello there Flavio
DG>> Unfortunatelly I don't see that to sub to on my uplink, *maybe
DG>> it's my fauult* I just wanted to follow the policy4 doc
DG>> procedure, ebcause *some* people tend to get *delicate* when you
DG>> don't do stuff their way. ANywho, I will try to find a way.
FB> I can help you out. I have netmailed you with more details, please
FB> let me know if you don't receive it.
Hola David!
25 Oct 24 21:25, David Gonzalez dijo a Ward Dossche:
Tried netmailing him but I'm gussing he might be a tad busy now
setting up, I tried Angel Ripoll whom I remmeber from when I was
I don't remember you sending me a netmail, but let me know how I
can help you.
Maybe you can write to Fernando, besides by netmail, by echomail
in the echoarea esp.argentina. All (or almost all) of the active nodes
of Z4 are there. You can find the area in several systems including
Un saludo,
Angel Ripoll
aripoll @
--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240209 + HPT 1.9 + Binkd 1.1 en Debian
* Origin: Synchronet - - Zruspa's BBS - (2:341/66)
On 27 Oct 2024, David Gonzalez said the following...
Hello David,
Unfortunatelly I don't see that to sub to on my uplink, *maybe
it's my fauult* I just wanted to follow the policy4 doc
procedure, ebcause *some* people tend to get *delicate* when you
don't do stuff their way. ANywho, I will try to find a way.
I can help you out. I have netmailed you with more details, please
let me know if you don't receive it.
... If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good. -Bill Gates.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (macOS/64)
* Origin: Saturn's Orbit BBS - Back from the ashes (4:801/188)
On 06 Nov 2024, David Gonzalez said the following...
Well, unless I missed out, I didn't get any netmails for the past
few weeks, strange, but the way my comeback has come around, I do
not want to bother anyone.
There might have been some issue with the routing, I have a direct link with Z3 through Paul Hayton, I will check it further later on.
In the meantime, I'd really value your help becaue apart from
sounding *winey*, which I'm not I've had a frustrating and rough
patch trying to love-back BBSing.
We would love to help. My email is, drop me a message there and we can move forward. Despite being Brazilian, I am fluent in Spanish :)
... ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI.
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (macOS/64)
* Origin: Saturn's Orbit BBS - Back from the ashes (4:801/188)
I'll email him becaudse I cannot really remember how to resend a
netmail from within GoldED, yeah, sorry it's been 21 years since I did *LoL*, I'll try to email him.
Hello David!
14 Nov 24 19:22, you wrote to Angel Ripoll:
I'll email him becaudse I cannot really remember how to resend a
netmail from within GoldED, yeah, sorry it's been 21 years since
I did *LoL*, I'll try to email him.
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--- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240302
* Origin: Dragon's Lair ---:- -:--- Prt: 6800 (3:633/280)
Between several Z4 sysops we want to start a process to vote for a new
ZC and move the main node to another BBS.
@CHRS: UTF-8 4
hola Gente!
Entre varios sysop de Z4 queremos comenzar un proceso para votar un
nuevo ZC y mover el nodo principal a otro BBS.
Ya que muchos siguen teniendo problemas de conectividad que nunca
se terminan de resolver debido a que el actual ZC parece estar
ocupado y es un sistema disfuncional.
Lamentablemente muchos nunca pasamos por este proceso porque no ha
sido cambiando nunca el ZC desde muchos a¤os.
Por este motivo, les vamos a pedir ayuda y apelar a su paciencia.
Los pasos a seguir que tenemos pensado son:
1) Asegurar que los miembos de Z4 puedan acceder a un echo en comun
para poder votar.
2) definir un calendario fecha limite para presentar candidatos y
fecha de votacion de acuerdo a las instrucciones del policy4.
3) realizar el proceso de votaci¢n
4) mover los uplinks y cuestiones tecnicas al nuevo host para Z4
Sysop: | Sarah |
Location: | Portland, Oregon |
Users: | 19 |
Nodes: | 16 (0 / 16) |
Uptime: | 54:14:31 |
Calls: | 126 |
Calls today: | 126 |
Files: | 84,009 |
U/L today: |
5 files (318K bytes) |
D/L today: |
33 files (8,385K bytes) |
Messages: | 38,263 |
Posted today: | 25 |