• Pepper/Paint Ball Launcher "Guns"

    From Matt Taph@1:105/420 to All on Tue Oct 22 16:07:06 2024
    All -

    Interested to know if anyone out there is into less lethal means of self defense? I have been increasingly gaining interest in a launcher style "pistol". The videos show some real damage! I don't want to be responsible for killing someone in self defense, because we all know that you will get thrown in jail for protecting yourself before they want to hear your side. I'm interested in brands such as Salt Supply S2, Byrna LE, Mercury Rise IntruBuster.. things of that nature. These things will break your ribs! They will crack bone if you shoot in certain areas! I mean they can be lethal, but I have just never wanted to own a weapon. I even have my conceal carry permit for my state even though you aren't required to carry one anymore here. Just can't bring myself to get a weapon. These though, holy hell!

    What are your thoughts?


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  • From jimmylogan@1:105/7 to Matt Taph on Fri Nov 8 06:07:32 2024
    Matt Taph wrote to All <=-

    All -

    Interested to know if anyone out there is into less lethal means of
    self defense? I have been increasingly gaining interest in a launcher style "pistol". The videos show some real damage! I don't want to be responsible for killing someone in self defense, because we all know
    that you will get thrown in jail for protecting yourself before they
    want to hear your side. I'm interested in brands such as Salt Supply
    S2, Byrna LE, Mercury Rise IntruBuster.. things of that nature. These things will break your ribs! They will crack bone if you shoot in
    certain areas! I mean they can be lethal, but I have just never wanted
    to own a weapon. I even have my conceal carry permit for my state even though you aren't required to carry one anymore here. Just can't bring myself to get a weapon. These though, holy hell!

    What are your thoughts?

    Haven't tried them nor had my hands on them, but if they are something you could carry in a 'gun free zone' to protect yourself and others, then
    I think it's worth a look.

    ... Remember to finish what you
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