• ping / traceroute

    From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to All on Wed Oct 30 12:14:06 2024

    Hello everybody!

    Is there any utility available to have a robot function working to allow a response to PING and TRACE(route) ?

    I would like to test this and try, but I do not see a real reference in Husky

    anyone with hints/tips/scripts?


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/1 to Dennis Slagers on Wed Oct 30 18:09:08 2024

    On 30.10.2024 10.14, Dennis Slagers wrote:

    Is there any utility available to have a robot function working to allow a response to PING and TRACE(route) ?

    I would like to test this and try, but I do not see a real reference in

    From the husky repository you can find these:



    * Origin: smapinntpd/lnx (2:221/1.0)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Dennis Slagers on Thu Oct 31 16:44:00 2024
    On 30 Oct 2024, Dennis Slagers said the following...

    Is there any utility available to have a robot function working to allow
    a response to PING and TRACE(route) ?

    anyone with hints/tips/scripts?

    I downloaded Deon George's fidohub source once upon a time which contained a modified version of pong.pl. I butchered it up a bit to add a few things and change some others.

    You're welcome to give it a try:


    This one accepts ping messages addressed in either case (e.g: Ping, ping, PING or even PiNg) and kills the original incoming message once processed. It also handles the kludges a bit differently.

    I'm not a programmer or anything, so this may not be the best or even the correct way to do any of this. It seems to work here well enough but if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces. If anyone has any suggestions or modifications I'd be happy to see them.


    ... A hunch is creativity trying to tell you something

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Jay Harris on Thu Oct 31 22:37:04 2024

    Hello Jay!

    31 Oct 24 16:44, you wrote to me:

    I downloaded Deon George's fidohub source once upon a time which
    contained a modified version of pong.pl. I butchered it up a bit to
    add a few things and change some others.

    You're welcome to give it a try:


    Thanks.. I downloaded it, had to modify it a bit (no I do not have perl knowledge)
    and I have asked some people to test it.
    the pingpong.pm is working but the only side effect is that the orig mail is sent to the
    badmail area. No idea now to fix that, so I give your script a chance to see if it works

    This one accepts ping messages addressed in either case (e.g: Ping,
    ping, PING or even PiNg) and kills the original incoming message once processed. It also handles the kludges a bit differently.

    As longs as some test people who are already years in fidonet are happy I am happy
    After a hiatus of some 24/25 years I am back ;)

    I'm not a programmer or anything, so this may not be the best or even
    the correct way to do any of this. It seems to work here well enough
    but if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces. If anyone has any suggestions or modifications I'd be happy to see them.

    If I can get it running I can make modification where needed if needed ;)


    Thanks for sharing !


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Jay Harris on Thu Oct 31 22:41:10 2024

    Hello Jay!

    31 Oct 24 16:44, you wrote to me:

    I downloaded Deon George's fidohub source once upon a time which
    contained a modified version of pong.pl. I butchered it up a bit to
    add a few things and change some others.

    You're welcome to give it a try:


    Thanks.. I downloaded it, had to modify it a bit (no I do not have perl knowledge)
    and I have asked some people to test it.
    the pingpong.pm is working but the only side effect is that the orig mail is sent to the
    badmail area. No idea now to fix that, so I give your script a chance to see if it works

    This one accepts ping messages addressed in either case (e.g: Ping,
    ping, PING or even PiNg) and kills the original incoming message once processed. It also handles the kludges a bit differently.

    As longs as some people, who test and are already years in fidonet, are happy I am happy
    After a hiatus of some 24/25 years I am back ;)
    many things to get used to again ;)

    I'm not a programmer or anything, so this may not be the best or even
    the correct way to do any of this. It seems to work here well enough
    but if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces. If anyone has any suggestions or modifications I'd be happy to see them.

    If I can get it running I can make modification where needed if needed ;)


    Thanks for sharing !


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Jay Harris on Fri Nov 1 07:57:38 2024

    Hello Jay!

    31 Oct 24 16:44, you wrote to me:

    You're welcome to give it a try:

    Worked wonderful. I have seen the ping and reply from Wilfred
    I had to change it very little to have it correctly working on my system

    I have put it on my repository ..
    Although I am no coder I do like to share my amateur work ;)

    I'm not a programmer or anything, so this may not be the best or even

    shaking hands ;)

    the correct way to do any of this. It seems to work here well enough
    but if it breaks, you get to keep both pieces. If anyone has any suggestions or modifications I'd be happy to see them.

    You can check my changes..
    I only made sure it can work in the folder I want to have it ran from
    and I made sure the logpart was defined as I saw an error when trying to run the
    script from commandline. Very minor..

    I also liked the uptime part in the tagline ;) and I am thinking about not killing the original message but
    save it in a local folder.

    Thanks a million!


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/1 to Dennis Slagers on Sat Nov 2 12:13:32 2024
    On 1.11.2024 5.57, Dennis Slagers wrote:

    You're welcome to give it a try:

    Worked wonderful. I have seen the ping and reply from Wilfred
    I had to change it very little to have it correctly working on my system

    I have put it on my repository ..
    Although I am no coder I do like to share my amateur work 😉

    Seems to be a bit better than the original. ;-)

    I replaced the old one with this here at 2:221/0 aka 2:221/1. Seems that it also responds with a correct aka. :)


    * Origin: smapinntpd/lnx (2:221/1.0)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Tommi Koivula on Sat Nov 2 11:25:38 2024

    Hello Tommi!

    02 Nov 24 12:13, you wrote to me:

    Seems to be a bit better than the original. ;-)

    LOL .. I did not change that much *yet*

    I set up a point system just to be able to test the ping system when I alter items
    cause I do not want to have the original mail to be killed.

    the trace functionallity has been tested as well ..

    I replaced the old one with this here at 2:221/0 aka 2:221/1. Seems
    that it also responds with a correct aka. :)

    Ah ;)
    Slowly busy getting used to HPT and the config but do not like 'Fidian' in some parts how it
    handles items. So want to optimize things ;)

    Areafix also was a hassle to get it working.
    Still do not know how to handle the various commands ;)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/360 to Dennis Slagers on Sat Nov 2 14:01:40 2024
    On 2.11.2024 12.25, Dennis Slagers wrote:

    Seems to be a bit better than the original. ;-)

    LOL .. I did not change that much *yet*

    Actually I was comparing it to this one:


    Or whatever hack of that I was running before. ;)

    the trace functionallity has been tested as well ..



    --- FastEcho/2 1.46.1 Revival
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Finland (2:221/360.0)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Dennis Slagers on Sat Nov 2 13:13:58 2024
    On Friday November 01 2024, Dennis Slagers said the following...

    You're welcome to give it a try:

    Worked wonderful. I have seen the ping and reply from Wilfred
    I had to change it very little to have it correctly working on my

    I hadn't really looked at this script in awhile & made a couple of changes. I'm really not sure why I was using "while" to get $fromzone & $myzone.

    I also ran a few things through chatgpt to check my logic and it noticed my regex for checking $fromzone was inefficient.

    You can see the updated version at the URL above.

    Main changes are in the "TRACE:" section (lines 47-60) as well as "Get MSGID for REPLY kludge" (lines 80-83).


    ... Tolkien is hobbit-forming
    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Tommi Koivula on Sat Nov 2 18:35:00 2024

    Hello Tommi!

    02 Nov 24 14:01, you wrote to me:

    Actually I was comparing it to this one:


    Or whatever hack of that I was running before. ;)

    That is the one I found yesterday on my disk (I had downloaded above to see and find more
    detailed information about how to configure things..
    But the extra code is 100% credits to:
    Modified by Jay Harris (1:229/664) with thanks to Deon George (3:633/509). ;)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Tommi Koivula@2:221/1 to Dennis Slagers on Sat Nov 2 19:51:52 2024
    On Sat, 2 Nov 2024 18:35:00 +0100 Dennis Slagers wrote:

    But the extra code is 100% credits to:
    Modified by Jay Harris (1:229/664) with thanks to Deon George
    (3:633/509). ;)

    I know.

    Thanks guys. ;)


    * Origin: jamnntpd/lnx (2:221/1.0)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Jay Harris on Sat Nov 2 18:59:20 2024

    Hello Jay!

    02 Nov 24 13:13, you wrote to me:

    I hadn't really looked at this script in awhile & made a couple of changes. I'm really not sure why I was using "while" to get $fromzone
    & $myzone.

    I've incorporated your changes in my script for (fidian)



    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Dennis Slagers on Sat Nov 2 21:00:18 2024
    On 02 Nov 2024, Dennis Slagers said the following...

    I've incorporated your changes in my script for (fidian)


    Did you mean to add the closing curly bracket on line 55?


    ... A baker's calendar has 13 months

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Jay Harris on Sun Nov 3 07:27:32 2024

    Hello Jay!

    02 Nov 24 21:00, you wrote to me:


    Did you mean to add the closing curly bracket on line 55?

    LOL .. no .. I've made 5 commits yesterday .. I made some major mistakes causing the script
    not to work in my environment.
    So in the end I reverted back and made the changes manually.


    But that was after I posted to this echo. And it took me an kuch.. an hour to fix. ;)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Dennis Slagers on Sun Nov 3 10:38:12 2024
    On 03 Nov 2024, Dennis Slagers said the following...

    But that was after I posted to this echo. And it took me an kuch.. an
    hour to fix. ;)

    Ok, another couple of updates.

    I noticed in hpt.log each ping reply entry had "Perl()" at the beginning of the line which wasn't necessary. Removed that and replaced it with the filename of the script & also added $pngsub.

    hpt.log will now show as appropriate:
    C 10:21:20 pong.pl: Make PONG to PING request[...]
    C 10:21:20 pong.pl: Make TRACE to PING request[...]

    Changes include:
    Line 29: New $file variable
    Lines 42 & 46: Remove colon from $pngsub
    Line 66: Updated if statement
    Line 68: Removed Perl() from & added $file & $pngsub to w_log
    Line 120: Added colon to $pngsub
    Lines 121 & 122: Removed Perl() from & added $file to w_log



    ... Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the crap

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Jay Harris on Mon Nov 4 13:53:08 2024

    Hello Jay!

    making your script available made it possible that 2 new nodes have the PING and TRACE flag in the nodelist ;)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Dennis Slagers on Mon Nov 4 10:28:54 2024
    On 04 Nov 2024, Dennis Slagers said the following...

    making your script available made it possible that 2 new nodes have the PING and TRACE flag in the nodelist ;)

    Yay! :)

    Just made one last change, basically just moved:

    if ( length($area) == 0 && uc($toname) eq "PING" && uc($fromname) ne "PING" )

    right under:

    sub pong()

    No point in checking/setting addresses & a subject if the netmail isn't addressed to Ping.

    I'm done now, no more changes, I promise! ;)


    ... How do you propose to an onion? With an onion ring

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Jay Harris on Mon Nov 4 16:49:22 2024
    Hi Jay,

    On 2024-11-04 10:28:54, you wrote to Dennis Slagers:

    Just made one last change, basically just moved:

    if ( length($area) == 0 && uc($toname) eq "PING" && uc($fromname) ne "PING" )

    If I read that correctly... There is a use case to allow the from name in the received message to be "PING" !

    Just make the from name in the reply not "PING" otherwise messages could keep bouncing back and forth...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Wilfred van Velzen on Mon Nov 4 11:57:50 2024
    On 04 Nov 2024, Wilfred van Velzen said the following...

    if ( length($area) == 0 && uc($toname) eq "PING" && uc($fromname) ne "PING" )

    If I read that correctly... There is a use case to allow the from name
    in the received message to be "PING" !

    That line appears in the original here:


    So I left it as it.

    http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-5001.006 does say under 5.10. Robot flags:

    WARNING: the sender's name (in either direction) must *NEVER* be "PING".

    Should that line in FTS-5001 be removed or modified?


    ... Profanity is the one language all programmers know best

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Jay Harris on Mon Nov 4 18:04:30 2024
    Hi Jay,

    On 2024-11-04 11:57:50, you wrote to me:

    If I read that correctly... There is a use case to allow the from
    name in the received message to be "PING" !

    That line appears in the original here:


    So I left it as it.


    http://ftsc.org/docs/fts-5001.006 does say under 5.10. Robot flags:

    WARNING: the sender's name (in either direction) must *NEVER* be "PING".

    Should that line in FTS-5001 be removed or modified?

    I think it can be improved. I agree with the wording for the reply direction. But for the original send direction it could be softened to "should not" instead of "must *NEVER*". It's not normal operation but I have done some tests where I wanted to sent from "PING", so it would trigger another response when the PONG arrived, as a way to test my own robot. With this wording it isn't necessary for the robot to check for anything in the from field.

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Wilfred van Velzen on Mon Nov 4 18:51:08 2024

    Hello Wilfred!

    04 Nov 24 16:49, you wrote to Jay Harris:

    if ( length($area) == 0 && uc($toname) eq "PING" && uc($fromname)
    ne "PING" )

    If I read that correctly... There is a use case to allow the from name
    in the received message to be "PING" !

    Just make the from name in the reply not "PING" otherwise messages
    could keep bouncing back and forth...

    I think the line prevents that. My system will not send a reply to your system if your name
    is ping, the mail is than sitting in my netmail area ..

    you can always try (and you will probably) ;)


    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Dennis Slagers@2:280/2060 to Wilfred van Velzen on Mon Nov 4 18:55:04 2024

    Hello Wilfred!

    04 Nov 24 18:04, you wrote to Jay Harris:

    I think it can be improved. I agree with the wording for the reply direction. But for the original send direction it could be softened to "should not" instead of "must *NEVER*". It's not normal operation but
    I have done some tests where I wanted to sent from "PING", so it would trigger another response when the PONG arrived, as a way to test my
    own robot. With this wording it isn't necessary for the robot to check
    for anything in the from field.

    So if I read your comment you would like to accept a ping from ping but do not reply with ping as from



    --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20240309
    * Origin: ---- BOFH: Problem solved, user deleted. (2:280/2060)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Dennis Slagers on Mon Nov 4 19:06:14 2024
    Hi Dennis,

    On 2024-11-04 18:51:08, you wrote to me:

    if ( length($area) == 0 && uc($toname) eq "PING" && uc($fromname)
    ne "PING" )

    If I read that correctly... There is a use case to allow the from name
    in the received message to be "PING" !

    Just make the from name in the reply not "PING" otherwise messages
    could keep bouncing back and forth...

    I think the line prevents that.

    And I think that is not necessary, was the point I was trying to maken.

    My system will not send a reply to your system if your name is ping,
    the mail is than sitting in my netmail area ..

    you can always try (and you will probably) ;)

    I believe you. ;-)

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Dennis Slagers on Mon Nov 4 19:07:38 2024
    Hi Dennis,

    On 2024-11-04 18:55:04, you wrote to me:

    I think it can be improved. I agree with the wording for the reply
    direction. But for the original send direction it could be softened
    to "should not" instead of "must *NEVER*". It's not normal operation
    but I have done some tests where I wanted to sent from "PING", so it
    would trigger another response when the PONG arrived, as a way to
    test my own robot. With this wording it isn't necessary for the robot
    to check for anything in the from field.

    So if I read your comment you would like to accept a ping from ping but do not
    reply with ping as from


    Yes, that last restriction is (very) important, otherwise PONG messages could "bounce" back and forth indefinitly...

    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)
  • From Jay Harris@1:229/664 to Wilfred van Velzen on Mon Nov 4 14:49:32 2024
    On 04 Nov 2024, Wilfred van Velzen said the following...

    So if I read your comment you would like to accept a ping from ping but not reply with ping as from

    Yes, that last restriction is (very) important, otherwise PONG messages could "bounce" back and forth indefinitly...

    my $myname = 'Ping Robot'; # From: name in PONG reply. Cannot be 'PING'
    # Do not set $myname to 'PING'
    if ( uc($myname) eq "PING" ) { die "ERROR: \$myname cannot be PING"; }

    # Check if message is netmail & addressed to PING (case insensitive)
    if ( length($area) == 0 && uc($toname) eq "PING" ) {

    I think this would do that.

    It would accept a netmail addressed to "Ping" and also from "Ping".

    If someone tried setting $myname to "Ping" the script would exit with an error.

    The reply would be from "Ping Robot" to "Ping" which (if the remote system
    has a ping robot) would trigger a response from that system, e.g: From: Ping Robot & To: Ping Robot.


    ... A bee with a knife will give you a buzz cut

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664)
  • From Wilfred van Velzen@2:280/464 to Jay Harris on Mon Nov 4 21:03:12 2024
    Hi Jay,

    On 2024-11-04 14:49:32, you wrote to me:

    So if I read your comment you would like to accept a ping from
    ping DS> but not reply with ping as from

    Yes, that last restriction is (very) important, otherwise PONG messages
    could "bounce" back and forth indefinitly...

    my $myname = 'Ping Robot'; # From: name in PONG reply. Cannot be 'PING' [...]
    # Do not set $myname to 'PING'
    if ( uc($myname) eq "PING" ) { die "ERROR: \$myname cannot be PING"; }

    # Check if message is netmail & addressed to PING (case insensitive)
    if ( length($area) == 0 && uc($toname) eq "PING" ) {

    I think this would do that.

    I think so too.

    It would accept a netmail addressed to "Ping" and also from "Ping".

    If someone tried setting $myname to "Ping" the script would exit with
    an error.

    If someone wants to change the script to do so, they could also remove the check. So the check is kind of a waste of cpu cycles. The comment should suffice.

    The reply would be from "Ping Robot" to "Ping" which (if the remote
    system has a ping robot) would trigger a response from that system,
    e.g: From: Ping Robot & To: Ping Robot.


    Bye, Wilfred.

    --- FMail-lnx64
    * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464)