• luckymobile, anyone?

    From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to All on Sun Apr 14 10:54:00 2024
    Anyone here using or is familiar with the Luckymobile service?


    Recently, they reconfigured their packages.



    $40/mo = 5GB data
    $25/mo = 500MB data


    $40/mo = 74GB data
    $34/mo = 50GB data
    $29/mo = 20GB data

    New first time users can get 35GB data for 2 years at the $29

    Also.. is anyone using Luckymobile manual top-ups and
    encountering balances that don't get used up?

    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: Stare into this point intently ->.<- (1:153/757.21)
  • From Rob Mccart@1:2320/105 to AUGUST ABOLINS on Sun Aug 4 01:00:00 2024
    Anyone here using or is familiar with the Luckymobile service?


    Recently, they reconfigured their packages.



    $40/mo = 5GB data
    >$25/mo = 500MB data


    $40/mo = 74GB data
    >$34/mo = 50GB data
    >$29/mo = 20GB data

    Hi August

    Sorry, I just saw this message. I wasn't getting packets for a while.

    I've been with Lucky for over 5 years. A couple of years back I saw that
    they now were offering a plan at the same price with a couple of extra gig
    but you have to pretend you are changing to a new package to get the new
    data levels. (i.e. - Changing from their $40 plan to their $40 plan..)

    But I haven't been on their main site in ages and I had no idea they had
    made such drastic changes so, thanks, I'll have to go back and check it
    out and maybe save $11 a month to get more than double the data.

    You asked something about Top Up Balances not getting used up. I'm not sure what you meant by that. I've had a positive balance there for quite a while,
    if it's still there when I go to the site, and it stayed there for years
    but I don't generally use Top Ups other than the payment for the full plan.


    This added later.. I checked that out online and all those super plans and prices are for new customers only. I'm still glad you mentioned it because
    it will allow me to go from the 5 gig plan at $40 to a new 10 gig plan at faster speeds for $35 so that's better than nothing but it annoys me that
    they offer these super deals to new customers, that I believe are locked
    in, not temporary, (if they don't change their plan), but us loyal
    long-time customers are given much worse options.

    I hate to change suppliers but another place with super plans these days
    is the NoName Mobile plans put out by Loblaws stores. I saw that on a
    NoFrills store flyer and checked it out online and the plans look really
    good (US coverage and lots more data at lower prices) and, as near as I
    can tell, they are using the Bell Network so should have the same
    coverage as Lucky and other Bell supported companies.

    * SLMR Rob * I don't know what that's worth but, there it is...
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to Rob Mccart on Mon Aug 5 19:39:00 2024
    Hello Rob Mccart!

    ** On Sunday 04.08.24 - 01:00, Rob Mccart wrote to AUGUST ABOLINS:

    I've been with Lucky for over 5 years. A couple of years
    back I saw that they now were offering a plan at the same
    price with a couple of extra gig but you have to pretend
    you are changing to a new package to get the new data
    levels. (i.e. - Changing from their $40 plan to their $40

    Yep.. I was not even aware that was an option until I ventured
    into the "Change Plan" section. I was at $40/mo, 5GB, for a
    long time. Then I just happened to notice they were offering
    75GB for the same 40$ monthly. I decided to save money instead
    and switched to the $29/mo plan at 25GB.

    But I haven't been on their main site in ages and I had no
    idea they had made such drastic changes so, thanks, I'll
    have to go back and check it out and maybe save $11 a
    month to get more than double the data.

    You have to decide fast. Aug 6 will introduce a new set of

    You asked something about Top Up Balances not getting used
    up. I'm not sure what you meant by that. I've had a
    positive balance there for quite a while, if it's still
    there when I go to the site, and it stayed there for years
    but I don't generally use Top Ups other than the payment
    for the full plan.

    What I mean is that with auto-topup (via credit card or
    qualifying debit card) your existing and banked Lucky dollars
    never get used for payment. The only way to force the system to
    use any of your banked Lucky dollars is to disable auto-topup.

    This added later.. I checked that out online and all those
    super plans and prices are for new customers only. I'm
    still glad you mentioned it because it will allow me to go
    from the 5 gig plan at $40 to a new 10 gig plan at faster
    speeds for $35 so that's better than nothing but it annoys
    me that they offer these super deals to new customers,
    that I believe are locked in, not temporary, (if they
    don't change their plan), but us loyal long-time customers
    are given much worse options.

    You can still come in as a new user, and add that account to
    your existing login if you want. Luckymobile doesn't seem to

    And yes.. the plan structure seemed to penalize existing long-
    time customers! But I was kinda lucky and got the $29/mo plan
    at 25GB. Later, when a friend of mine (and an existing user)
    wanted the same thing a few weeks later, the $29|25GB plan was
    nolonger an option. Apparently, the $29 plan was a mistake.
    But, I got it before it got removed for existing customers.

    Meanwhile, my friend just registered a new plan (a new SIM) and
    got it that way. He merged that service into his existing
    account without issues.

    I hate to change suppliers but another place with super
    plans these days is the NoName Mobile plans put out by
    Loblaws stores. I saw that on a NoFrills store flyer and
    checked it out online and the plans look really good (US
    coverage and lots more data at lower prices) and, as near
    as I can tell, they are using the Bell Network so should
    have the same coverage as Lucky and other Bell supported

    I wasn't really aware that NoFrills had a NoName mobile
    offering until few weeks ago. The pricing seems very close if
    not identical.

    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: Stare into this point intently ->.<- (1:153/757.21)
  • From Rob Mccart@1:2320/105 to AUGUST ABOLINS on Wed Aug 7 00:51:00 2024
    Yep.. I was not even aware that was an option until I ventured
    >into the "Change Plan" section. I was at $40/mo, 5GB, for a
    >long time. Then I just happened to notice they were offering
    >75GB for the same 40$ monthly. I decided to save money instead
    >and switched to the $29/mo plan at 25GB.

    They still show the $29 for 20GB so it hasn't suffered too badly.

    You have to decide fast. Aug 6 will introduce a new set of

    Hopefully I won't regret what I changed to after that, although it's
    always easy enough to change your plan.

    The plan I was working on went through as of the next billing period.
    I wasn't quite sure what they do if you change your plan in the middle
    of a billing month, if you lose money or get a credit and a new billing
    date but I didn't mind waiting a couple of weeks and leaving the dates
    as they were. I got an eMail from them saying it's now scheduled so it
    all looks good.

    You asked something about Top Up Balances not getting used
    up. I'm not sure what you meant by that.

    What I mean is that with auto-topup (via credit card or
    >qualifying debit card) your existing and banked Lucky dollars
    >never get used for payment. The only way to force the system to
    >use any of your banked Lucky dollars is to disable auto-topup.

    Okay, I see that. I have about $7.50 Lucky Dollars and I figured the
    only way to use it was to buy some extras one month but I haven't had
    a need for anything so far.

    they offer super deals to new customers,
    but not to us loyal long-time customers

    You can still come in as a new user, and add that account to
    >your existing login if you want. Luckymobile doesn't seem to

    That just seems odd. You're either new or not, and if you add on the
    account doesn't that leave you paying for 2 separate accounts, the bulk
    of which is for the unlimited phone use so adding more of that is no use.

    I hate to change suppliers but another place with super
    plans these days is the NoName Mobile plans put out by
    Loblaws stores. I saw that on a NoFrills store flyer and
    checked it out online and the plans look really good

    I wasn't really aware that NoFrills had a NoName mobile
    >offering until few weeks ago. The pricing seems very close if
    >not identical.

    Most of it is fairly close, although I saw it before seeing the new
    offers from Lucky so it was a bit of a shock. I think on the lower
    priced plans at NoName you get US calling included which I don't
    think hits the cheaper plans at Lucky but I could jump from 10 gig
    at $35 to 80 gig with US calling thrown in at Lucky for another $5
    which is tempting at that price even if I'll probably never use the
    extra data or the US calling..

    One thing they said was being cut off as 'incompatible' was the
    extra 2 gig I was getting on my old plan for having automatic top up.
    Do you have that set up and did they give you something extra for
    that on the new plan?
    * SLMR Rob * Do not endanger your life until I give the signal
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to Rob Mccart on Sat Aug 10 20:29:00 2024
    Hello Rob Mccart!

    ** On Wednesday 07.08.24 - 00:51, Rob Mccart wrote to AUGUST ABOLINS:

    They still show the $29 for 20GB so it hasn't suffered too badly.

    It's not offered for existing users though. So, unless you
    register as a new user (with another number), $29/20GB is not
    an option.

    When I go into Change plan, I only see:


    On one of my accounts (I have 4 Lucky accounts) I'm
    grandfathered in at $15/500MB, data only, and I get a 6-payment
    reward of 250MB, and an autotop-up 250MB bonus, for a total
    1GB. The same $15 plan is nolonger available to anyone.

    Hopefully I won't regret what I changed to after that,
    although it's always easy enough to change your plan.

    Which one did you change to?

    The plan I was working on went through as of the next
    billing period. I wasn't quite sure what they do if you
    change your plan in the middle of a billing month, if you
    lose money or get a credit and a new billing date but I
    didn't mind waiting a couple of weeks and leaving the
    dates as they were. I got an eMail from them saying it's
    now scheduled so it all looks good.

    Yep.. When adjusted my plans, I always optioned to remain on
    the same period and wait for the change to kick in according to

    What I mean is that with auto-topup (via credit card or
    qualifying debit card) your existing and banked Lucky
    dollars never get used for payment. The only way to force
    the system to use any of your banked Lucky dollars is to
    disable auto-topup.

    Okay, I see that. I have about $7.50 Lucky Dollars and I figured the
    only way to use it was to buy some extras one month but I haven't had
    a need for anything so far.

    Nope. That won't work. If you buy extra, and top up your
    account manually, it will just add to the balance and NOT get
    used if you have the autotop-up (credit card) option selected.

    You can still come in as a new user, and add that account
    to your existing login if you want. Luckymobile doesn't
    seem to care.

    That just seems odd. You're either new or not, and if you
    add on the account doesn't that leave you paying for 2
    separate accounts, the bulk of which is for the unlimited
    phone use so adding more of that is no use.

    Yup.. they penalize existing users that way.

    But I suppose you could use up the balance of the original
    account, or cancel the credit-card topup option for it, and
    then simply port that number over to the second account before
    the first account's billing period ends.

    I wasn't really aware that NoFrills had a NoName mobile
    offering until few weeks ago. The pricing seems very close
    if not identical.

    Most of it is fairly close, although I saw it before
    seeing the new offers from Lucky so it was a bit of a
    shock. I think on the lower priced plans at NoName you get
    US calling included which I don't think hits the cheaper
    plans at Lucky but I could jump from 10 gig at $35 to 80
    gig with US calling thrown in at Lucky for another $5
    which is tempting at that price even if I'll probably
    never use the extra data or the US calling..

    NoName's base GB values are about 5GB higher than at Lucky,
    plus they include the US talk and text too. Hmmmm. I might
    switch/port to NoName for my business phone since the US
    calling could be handy at times.

    One thing they said was being cut off as 'incompatible'
    was the extra 2 gig I was getting on my old plan for
    having automatic top up. Do you have that set up and did
    they give you something extra for that on the new plan?

    I am not sure what you mean. On three of my plans, I changed
    from $40/mo to the $29/mo offerings at the time. The existing
    bonuses (6-payment rewards, and 12-payment rewards) all carried
    over too.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: Stare into this point intently ->.<- (1:153/757.21)
  • From Rob Mccart@1:2320/105 to AUGUST ABOLINS on Mon Aug 12 01:27:00 2024
    On one of my accounts (I have 4 Lucky accounts) I'm
    >grandfathered in at $15/500MB, data only, and I get a 6-payment
    >reward of 250MB, and an autotop-up 250MB bonus, for a total
    >1GB. The same $15 plan is nolonger available to anyone.

    I'd think these days you could get a lot more data for less money but
    I haven't looked into simple data plans there in years.

    Which one did you change to?

    I figured I wouldn't need more extras so I just went with the
    $35 plan with 10 gig of data for now at least. You get so much
    more for an extra $5 it is tempting to take that plan whether
    you need it or not. (80 gig plus USA calling)

    One thing they said was being cut off as 'incompatible'
    was the extra 2 gig I was getting on my old plan for
    having automatic top up. Do you have that set up and did
    they give you something extra for that on the new plan?

    I am not sure what you mean. On three of my plans, I changed
    >from $40/mo to the $29/mo offerings at the time. The existing
    >bonuses (6-payment rewards, and 12-payment rewards) all carried
    >over too.

    I got those 2 rewards already added to the 10 gig starting next week
    but I was getting a 2 gig bonus for automatic top-ups and they said
    when I chose that plan that it wasn't compatable since the 2 gig was
    at 3G speeds where the new plan is at 4G. I'm hoping there will be
    some sort of similar reward for having automatic top-ups on the new
    plan but it wasn't mentioned in the details when I switched. I guess
    I'll find out next week. They seem to always give good data bonuses
    for doing that.

    * SLMR Rob * Old age and treachery can defeat youth and skill
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to August Abolins on Mon Aug 19 09:28:14 2024


    You guys are real suckers.

    I pay something like 48 Euro for 3TB ... residential...


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From August Abolins@1:153/757.21 to Ward Dossche on Mon Aug 19 08:25:00 2024
    Hello Ward!


    You guys are real suckers.

    I pay something like 48 Euro for 3TB ... residential...

    You haven't been paying attention. We were discussing mobile

    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: Stare into this point intently ->.<- (1:153/757.21)
  • From Daniel Path@2:371/52 to Ward Dossche on Mon Aug 19 21:29:36 2024
    Hello Ward,

    19 Aug 24 09:28, you wrote to August Abolins:


    You guys are real suckers.

    I pay something like 48 Euro for 3TB ... residential...

    30 EUR for unlimited call/sms/data on mobile, 15 EUR for unlimited gigabit optical internet in the office. now who is the sucker ? ;))


    telnet://bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 <<=-

    ... Uptime: 90d 11h 25m 17s (?! or 40d 18h 10m 53s)
    --- GoldED/2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to August Abolins on Mon Aug 19 22:04:52 2024
    Dear August,

    You guys are real suckers.

    I pay something like 48 Euro for 3TB ... residential...

    You haven't been paying attention. We were discussing mobile data.

    You are right, I wasn't paying attention.

    For mobile data I pay 40.50 Euro for 500GBm that's CAD$61.22.

    You're still being screwed by your operator there.

    When I'm in Canada or the USA (as I was 2 weeks ago) when I use my cellphone to roam intercontinental, I pay a daily charge of 5.95 Euro, let's say CAD$6.00 and then my Belgian phone and data-plan continues in Canada and the USA with a maximum of 55 Euro per month. Also the 500GB continues with that.

    You guys badly need to talk to your providers.


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Daniel Path on Mon Aug 19 22:06:38 2024

    30 EUR for unlimited call/sms/data on mobile, 15 EUR for unlimited
    gigabit optical internet in the office. now who is the sucker ? ;))

    And is the market liberalised or is it a state-owned monopoly there?


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Daniel Path@2:371/52 to Ward Dossche on Tue Aug 20 09:54:22 2024
    Hello Ward,

    19 Aug 24 22:06, you wrote to me:

    30 EUR for unlimited call/sms/data on mobile, 15 EUR for unlimited
    gigabit optical internet in the office. now who is the sucker ?

    And is the market liberalised or is it a state-owned monopoly there?

    haha. i was waiting for that question. yes it's -still- liberalised, but good catch. :)

    a couple of years ago these idiots tried to make an internet-tax (150 HUF/GB on data, approx 0.4 EUR/GB), but on the same evening millions went on to the streets protesting against it, so on the next day they back off.


    telnet://bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 <<=-

    ... Uptime: 90d 23h 52m 58s (?! or 41d 6h 38m 30s)
    --- GoldED/2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Daniel Path on Tue Aug 20 12:35:24 2024

    And is the market liberalised or is it a state-owned monopoly there?

    haha. i was waiting for that question. yes it's -still- liberalised, but good catch. :)

    Ah yes, Matav. I forgot where you reside. Any competitors?

    a couple of years ago these idiots tried to make an internet-tax (150 HUF/GB on data, approx 0.4 EUR/GB), but on the same evening millions went on to the streets protesting against it, so on the next day they back

    When politicians need money, they become very resourceful.

    So, millions took to the streets against an internet-tax but they still vote for such an idiot like Orban?

    Maybe the numbers are 'slightly' exagerated?

    Other than that I'm not impressed by fiber-optic and the need for it.

    I still enjoy my 2 copper wires connection. It serves 2 TVs, a landline, 5 or 6 mobiles, tablets and this Fido server. No delays, no malfunctions ... how much bandwith and speed does the residential customer require?


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From August Abolins@1:396/45.29 to Daniel Path on Tue Aug 20 22:17:00 2024
    Hello Daniel Path!

    30 EUR for unlimited call/sms/data on mobile, ...

    With Luckymobile, the data is "unlimited" too, but it's
    throttled to 128Kbps or less after the selected quota.

    All the other Canadian mobile carriers do a hard cut-off of
    data when the selected quota is reached.


    --- OpenXP 5.0.58
    * Origin: Age Doesn't Matter Unless You're a Cheese (1:396/45.29)
  • From Rob Mccart@1:2320/105 to DANIEL PATH on Wed Aug 21 02:07:00 2024
    30 EUR for unlimited call/sms/data on mobile, 15 EUR for unlimited
    gigabit optical internet in the office. now who is the sucker ?

    And is the market liberalised or is it a state-owned monopoly there?

    haha. i was waiting for that question. yes it's -still- liberalised,
    >but good catch. :)

    In Canada it's sort of liberalized but the gov't tends to protect large companies like Bell Canada from foreign (generally USA) 'interference',
    which has let them charge much higher prices. It is finally getting a
    lot better than it was, even if it's not quite as cheap as many other
    places, after threats were made to stop overcharging or they would allow
    other companies to come in (mostly from the USA).

    So what ended up happening is companies like Virgin and Koodo are now
    offering services here at a pretty good price, but they distribute their services through one of the big Canadian company networks rather than
    doing it on their own so Bell, Rogers and Telus still make money on it.

    Lucky Mobile, that we've been talking about, is actually a company started
    by Bell Canada as their pre-paid option. It started out cheap (for here)
    but still quite costly compared to plans in the USA, but their packages
    are getting better all the time. I'm now getting 5 times as much data as
    I used to at $5 less per month, and at much higher data speeds, about 7
    times faster than it used to be 5 years back when I started with them.

    One reason I stay with Lucky rather than going with their Regular mobile service is, if you use up all your data one month, rather than cutting
    you off or charging a high price to give you more, you can just continue
    using data at a slower speed at no additional cost. You can't do anything
    major but you can still do simple surfing and send eMails and such.
    * SLMR Rob * "Floggings will continue until morale improves"
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Daniel Path@2:371/52 to Ward Dossche on Wed Aug 21 21:56:34 2024
    Hello Ward,

    20 Aug 24 12:35, you wrote to me:

    And is the market liberalised or is it a state-owned monopoly

    haha. i was waiting for that question. yes it's -still-
    liberalised, but good catch. :)

    Ah yes, Matav. I forgot where you reside. Any competitors?

    :) the 90s are gone Ward!
    Matav is now called (Deutsche) Telekom

    a couple of years ago these idiots tried to make an internet-tax
    (150 HUF/GB on data, approx 0.4 EUR/GB), but on the same evening
    millions went on to the streets protesting against it, so on the
    next day they back off.

    When politicians need money, they become very resourceful.

    So, millions took to the streets against an internet-tax but they
    still vote for such an idiot like Orban?

    stupid isn't it?

    Maybe the numbers are 'slightly' exagerated?

    maybe. but still, it was the largest protest.

    Other than that I'm not impressed by fiber-optic and the need for it.

    me neither, but i have to say optic is the most stable connection from all i have (i have catv at home, the weekend house, etc)

    I still enjoy my 2 copper wires connection. It serves 2 TVs, a
    landline, 5 or 6 mobiles, tablets and this Fido server. No delays, no malfunctions ... how much bandwith and speed does the residential
    customer require?

    there is no smaller package :( :P


    telnet://bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 <<=-

    ... Uptime: 92d 11h 49m 35s (?! or 42d 18h 34m 55s)
    --- GoldED/2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Daniel Path on Wed Aug 21 22:33:26 2024
    Ah yes, Matav. I forgot where you reside. Any competitors?

    :) the 90s are gone Ward!
    Matav is now called (Deutsche) Telekom

    Holy shit ... It's obvious I left that business 22 yrs ago ... I was asked to please retire with full benefits aged 51.

    Matav's parties were the greatest, also the dinner-cruises on the Donau ... 8-) ... OTE from Greece also hosted great parties, but they were totally corrupt.


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/1.59 to Ward Dossche on Wed Aug 21 22:03:22 2024
    On 20 Aug. 2024 12:35, you wrote to Daniel..

    WD> Other than that I'm not impressed by fiber-optic and the need for it.

    DSL is poised to be made obsolete, everywhere. My biz is less than a few hundred meters from the downtown switching station and the fastest DSL they claimed they could give me w…s 5Mbps DL and 900kbps UL, even though I was paying for a minimum 10Mbps level.

    Through a fluke chance of enquiring about fiber, I was told that I could get a fiber feed and a speed of 30Mbps for both UL/DL for same price I was getting the DSL. So.. I said "let's do it".

    I still enjoy my 2 copper wires connection. It serves 2 TVs, a landline, 5 or 6 mobiles, tablets and this Fido server. No delays, no malfunctions ...

    You're probably getting a fiber-to-copper kind of termination that can continue to use your existing phone wiring.

    how much bandwith and speed does the residential customer require?

    The biggest requirements might be if multiple family members want to each stream their own movies and play games all simultaneously.

    --- AfterShock/Android 1.7.5
    * Origin: Mobile Pixel 3aXL (2:221/1.59)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to August Abolins on Thu Aug 22 18:35:46 2024
    You're probably getting a fiber-to-copper kind of termination that can continue to use your existing phone wiring.

    Nah, nah, nahhhhh....

    how much bandwith and speed does the residential customer require?

    The biggest requirements might be if multiple family members want to each stream their own movies and play games all simultaneously.

    That's exactly what happens here ... honestly, I don't see the need for fiber. So unless they twist my arm or get me a ridiculous deal I'm staying where I am.


    --- DB4 - 20230201
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)