• New Defects reported by C

    From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Mon Oct 28 12:49:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 511447: Control flow issues (DEADCODE)
    /js_bbs.cpp: 2334 in js_xfer_prot_menu(JSContext *, unsigned int, unsigned long *)()

    *** CID 511447: Control flow issues (DEADCODE)
    /js_bbs.cpp: 2334 in js_xfer_prot_menu(JSContext *, unsigned int, unsigned long *)()
    2328 if((sbbs=js_GetPrivate(cx, JS_THIS_OBJECT(cx, arglist)))==NULL) 2329 return(JS_FALSE);
    2331 if(argc > 0 && argv[0] == JSVAL_TRUE)
    2332 xfer_type = XFER_BATCH_UPLOAD;
    2333 if(argc > 1 && argv[1] == JSVAL_TRUE)
    CID 511447: Control flow issues (DEADCODE)
    Execution cannot reach the expression "XFER_BATCH_UPLOAD" inside this statement: "xfer_type = ((xfer_type == ...".
    2334 xfer_type = (xfer_type == XFER_UPLOAD) ? XFER_BATCH_UPLOAD : XFER_BATCH_DOWNLOAD;
    2336 rc=JS_SUSPENDREQUEST(cx);
    2337 sbbs->xfer_prot_menu(xfer_type, &sbbs->useron, keys, sizeof keys);
    2338 JSString* js_str = JS_NewStringCopyZ(cx, keys);
    2339 if(js_str == nullptr)

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3DITFI_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQaq5jE-2BLt6d0xDUmd9IA4TiFW4D2c-2Fv2LVaAIklYCEHPyQvUq2Zlw7GDvJu3j8LRmS7SAP5K0MN-2FeHPuzVDlzgYGLGR7UoaRyivmdwaD-2F8GGj2SeuFl5CNmO4uJ75M69NpIJcEgiKbpoWpXeuJdzQYzNm1WuI45zNZnbxNBPzaHrg-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Tue Oct 29 12:40:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    5 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 511508: High impact quality (Y2K38_SAFETY)
    /date_str.c: 158 in datestr()

    *** CID 511508: High impact quality (Y2K38_SAFETY)
    /date_str.c: 158 in datestr()
    152 /****************************************************************************/
    153 char* datestr(scfg_t* cfg, time_t t, char* str)
    154 {
    155 if(t == 0)
    156 return "---------";
    157 if(!cfg->sys_date_verbal)
    CID 511508: High impact quality (Y2K38_SAFETY)
    A "time_t" value is stored in an integer with too few bits to accommodate it. The expression "t" is cast to "time32_t".
    158 return unixtodstr(cfg, (time32_t)t, str);
    159 struct tm tm = {0};
    160 if(localtime_r(&t, &tm) == NULL)
    161 return "!!!!!!!!!";
    162 char fmt[32] = "";
    163 switch(cfg->sys_date_fmt) {

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3DeIbg_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQZqqLX5nOyr0GCOMCsCoPlrYhtCBBDisrUKXmOFR94rfPCeqYsaUhoG3UZ-2FYUaiUYrgUIufMTzxsRzH7-2B7zAyM4HCi34k5-2FbdZ1Kp-2FDSG9A8IDyw-2BIsKQ-2B2fNzoCls7j0N-2B7Pb2XI8MB8f5lr-2BCPTiUaqWkDFwSWHqbm0IZWY1GZQ-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Wed Oct 30 12:41:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    3 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 511621: High impact quality (Y2K38_SAFETY)
    /str.cpp: 990 in sbbs_t::unixtodstr(long, char *)()

    *** CID 511621: High impact quality (Y2K38_SAFETY)
    /str.cpp: 990 in sbbs_t::unixtodstr(long, char *)()
    984 }
    986 char* sbbs_t::unixtodstr(time_t t, char* str)
    987 {
    988 if(str == nullptr)
    989 str = datestr_output;
    CID 511621: High impact quality (Y2K38_SAFETY)
    A "time_t" value is stored in an integer with too few bits to accommodate it. The expression "t" is cast to "time32_t".
    990 return ::unixtodstr(&cfg, t, str);
    991 }
    993 void sbbs_t::sys_info()
    994 {
    995 char tmp[128];

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3DFl35_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQbldReasLeT64fJgl4QpY1aZbFANNQbDPFr-2BH2HYcH1IWW1-2FtRGPtb0gVjSH-2BBqjWAK7btzMhM331mrzEXRNmqAyTftaCh3YDujP4YB-2F7PQ4EGqELNq7SpMqQKEr5kiHI5KwG1KMczjzMucZ1MepWUctNMP3lW0eqjsOrH2fBSzrg-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Sat Nov 2 12:39:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 512127: (Y2K38_SAFETY)
    /scfg/scfgsys.c: 1367 in edit_sys_date_verbal()
    /scfg/scfgsys.c: 1368 in edit_sys_date_verbal()

    *** CID 512127: (Y2K38_SAFETY)
    /scfg/scfgsys.c: 1367 in edit_sys_date_verbal()
    1362 int edit_sys_date_verbal(int page, int total)
    1363 {
    1364 int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
    1365 int i = cfg.sys_date_verbal;
    1366 time_t t = time(NULL);
    CID 512127: (Y2K38_SAFETY)
    A "time_t" value is stored in an integer with too few bits to accommodate it. The expression "t" is cast to "time32_t".
    1367 snprintf(opt[0],MAX_OPLN,"Numeric (e.g. %s)", unixtodstr(&cfg, (time32_t)t, tmp));
    1368 snprintf(opt[1],MAX_OPLN,"Verbal (e.g. %s)", verbal_datestr(&cfg, (time32_t)t, tmp));
    1369 opt[2][0] = '\0';
    1370 uifc.helpbuf=
    1371 "`Short Date Display Format:`\n"
    1372 "\n"
    /scfg/scfgsys.c: 1368 in edit_sys_date_verbal()
    1362 int edit_sys_date_verbal(int page, int total)
    1363 {
    1364 int mode = WIN_SAV | WIN_MID;
    1365 int i = cfg.sys_date_verbal;
    1366 time_t t = time(NULL);
    1367 snprintf(opt[0],MAX_OPLN,"Numeric (e.g. %s)", unixtodstr(&cfg, (time32_t)t, tmp));
    CID 512127: (Y2K38_SAFETY)
    A "time_t" value is stored in an integer with too few bits to accommodate it. The expression "t" is cast to "time32_t".
    1368 snprintf(opt[1],MAX_OPLN,"Verbal (e.g. %s)", verbal_datestr(&cfg, (time32_t)t, tmp));
    1369 opt[2][0] = '\0';
    1370 uifc.helpbuf=
    1371 "`Short Date Display Format:`\n"
    1372 "\n"
    1373 "If you would like short (8 character) dates to be displayed using verbal\n"

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3DIT5o_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQavH6tAPUwXIDKUPRKBZGiRgKLj76Ij0uFpD4UCNwTCVen1QmVBk6yGbzTBSC2-2BxBE0GJfAoW-2B-2BWaxWl51M-2B9mp1hicInwTEKrQ8chQM9yGDR81PWtwXM-2Bq2j5YCl48NKAoGGKYo0R42EciGZugnM0LqGuohrShDzTlibesBwTavw-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Sun Nov 3 13:41:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    2 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    2 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 2 of 2 defect(s)

    ** CID 514434: (NULL_RETURNS)
    /tmp/sbbs-Nov-03-2024/src/conio/cterm.c: 1001 in prestel_get_state()

    *** CID 514434: (NULL_RETURNS)
    /tmp/sbbs-Nov-03-2024/src/conio/cterm.c: 1001 in prestel_get_state()
    995 TERM_XY(&tx, &ty);
    996 line = malloc(sizeof(*line) * tx);
    997 prestel_new_line(cterm);
    998 if (tx > 1) {
    999 vmem_gettext(cterm->x, sy, cterm->x + tx - 2, sy, line);
    1000 for (int i = 0; i < (tx - 1); i++) {
    CID 514434: (NULL_RETURNS)
    Dereferencing "line", which is known to be "NULL".
    1001 uint8_t ch = line[i].ch;
    1002 if (line[i].fg & 0x7F000000) {
    1003 ch = (line[i].fg & 0x7F000000) >> 24; 1004 prestel_apply_ctrl(cterm, ch);
    1005 }
    1006 else {
    /tmp/sbbs-Nov-03-2024/src/conio/cterm.c: 999 in prestel_get_state()
    994 SCR_XY(&sx, &sy);
    995 TERM_XY(&tx, &ty);
    996 line = malloc(sizeof(*line) * tx);
    997 prestel_new_line(cterm);
    998 if (tx > 1) {
    CID 514434: (NULL_RETURNS)
    Dereferencing a pointer that might be "NULL" "line" when calling "ciolib_vmem_gettext".
    999 vmem_gettext(cterm->x, sy, cterm->x + tx - 2, sy, line);
    1000 for (int i = 0; i < (tx - 1); i++) {
    1001 uint8_t ch = line[i].ch;
    1002 if (line[i].fg & 0x7F000000) {
    1003 ch = (line[i].fg & 0x7F000000) >> 24; 1004 prestel_apply_ctrl(cterm, ch);

    ** CID 514433: (NULL_RETURNS)
    /tmp/sbbs-Nov-03-2024/src/conio/cterm.c: 4990 in prestel_fix_line()

    *** CID 514433: (NULL_RETURNS)
    /tmp/sbbs-Nov-03-2024/src/conio/cterm.c: 4985 in prestel_fix_line()
    4979 bool fixed = false;
    4980 bool fixedheight = false;
    4982 coord_conv_xy(cterm, CTERM_COORD_TERM, CTERM_COORD_SCREEN, &sy, &sx);
    4983 ex = sx + TERM_MAXX - 1;
    4984 line = malloc(sizeof(*line) * (ex - sx + 1));
    CID 514433: (NULL_RETURNS)
    Dereferencing a pointer that might be "NULL" "line" when calling "ciolib_vmem_gettext".
    4985 vmem_gettext(sx, sy, ex, sy, line);
    4986 prestel_new_line(cterm);
    4987 for (int i = 0; i < TERM_MAXX; i++) {
    4988 uint8_t ch;
    4989 // Go through the line applying attributes, held mosaics, etc.
    4990 if (line[i].fg & 0x7F000000) { /tmp/sbbs-Nov-03-2024/src/conio/cterm.c: 5098 in prestel_fix_line()
    5092 line[i].ch += 64;
    5093 fixed = true;
    5094 }
    5095 }
    5096 }
    5097 if (force || fixed)
    CID 514433: (NULL_RETURNS)
    Dereferencing a pointer that might be "NULL" "line" when calling "ciolib_vmem_puttext".
    5098 vmem_puttext(sx, sy, ex, sy, line);
    5099 free(line);
    5100 if (restore) {
    5101 cterm->extattr = extattr;
    5102 cterm->fg_color = fg_color;
    5103 cterm->bg_color = bg_color; /tmp/sbbs-Nov-03-2024/src/conio/cterm.c: 4990 in prestel_fix_line()
    4984 line = malloc(sizeof(*line) * (ex - sx + 1));
    4985 vmem_gettext(sx, sy, ex, sy, line);
    4986 prestel_new_line(cterm);
    4987 for (int i = 0; i < TERM_MAXX; i++) {
    4988 uint8_t ch;
    4989 // Go through the line applying attributes, held mosaics, etc.
    CID 514433: (NULL_RETURNS)
    Dereferencing "line", which is known to be "NULL".
    4990 if (line[i].fg & 0x7F000000) {
    4991 // This is a control character
    4992 ch = (line[i].fg & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
    4993 prestel_apply_ctrl_before(cterm, ch);
    4994 if ((cterm->extattr & CTERM_EXTATTR_PRESTEL_DOUBLE_HEIGHT) && ((line[i].bg & 0x01000000) == 0)) {
    4995 // Should be double-high

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3DIdOQ_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQbN8RSzLdCZbSy14N5iWP9J-2FcpNjQ0eI2Oj6rPhHqZBQZA4UM9PchXs94tTdeyxdvCkcPzkWohEpzrEBvlrnd6-2FTfmIpMAsE2mi-2BdkX8vzesYff-2FsK9jSFcjEXcYS-2Fxznm-2FxoYdKxCkLPJPKyAUp9zwS3A1OhpfjMprQ34Tb-2BWdhw-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Mon Nov 4 13:40:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    2 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    4 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 2 of 2 defect(s)

    ** CID 514483: API usage errors (PRINTF_ARGS)

    *** CID 514483: API usage errors (PRINTF_ARGS)
    /websrvr.c: 1659 in http_logon()
    1653 SAFECOPY(session->user.modem, session->client.protocol);
    1654 SAFECOPY(session->user.comp, session->host_name);
    1655 SAFECOPY(session->user.ipaddr, session->host_ip);
    1656 session->user.logontime = (time32_t)session->logon_time;
    1657 int result = putuserdat(&scfg, &session->user);
    1658 if(result != 0)
    CID 514483: API usage errors (PRINTF_ARGS)
    No argument for format specifier "%d".
    1659 lprintf(LOG_ERR, "%04d %s [%s] <%s> !Error %d writing user data for user #%d"
    1660 ,session->socket, session->client.protocol, session->host_ip
    1661 ,session->username, session->user.number);
    1663 }
    1664 SAFECOPY(session->client.user, session->username);

    ** CID 514482: API usage errors (PW.TOO_FEW_PRINTF_ARGS)
    /websrvr.c: 1661 in ()

    *** CID 514482: API usage errors (PW.TOO_FEW_PRINTF_ARGS)
    /websrvr.c: 1661 in ()
    1655 SAFECOPY(session->user.ipaddr, session->host_ip);
    1656 session->user.logontime = (time32_t)session->logon_time;
    1657 int result = putuserdat(&scfg, &session->user);
    1658 if(result != 0)
    1659 lprintf(LOG_ERR, "%04d %s [%s] <%s> !Error %d writing user data for user #%d"
    1660 ,session->socket, session->client.protocol, session->host_ip
    CID 514482: API usage errors (PW.TOO_FEW_PRINTF_ARGS)
    the format string requires additional arguments
    1661 ,session->username, session->user.number);
    1663 }
    1664 SAFECOPY(session->client.user, session->username);
    1665 session->client.usernum = session->user.number;
    1666 client_on(session->socket, &session->client, /* update existing client record? */true);

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3DjGNe_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQZrw1ACipL81Cfrev1KTkNSpg9ocZGsXxFU4AldvxV89V-2FFS8Im4F3ZlIWKiU1IgZ7U6FnHvW5nOIPElnOgDye48Et-2FcrMwNOZVyWRSzqRdvKvjv7tIxk-2BD72e1fmIEEOvn4SDov1pv-2FzEWSevpHegP3dEU8oXtKIA8RNAEjZ1XUg-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Tue Nov 5 13:40:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    2 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 514519: (LOCK)
    /main.cpp: 4849 in sbbs_t::daily_maint()()
    /main.cpp: 4849 in sbbs_t::daily_maint()()

    *** CID 514519: (LOCK)
    /main.cpp: 4849 in sbbs_t::daily_maint()()
    4843 lprintf(result ? LOG_ERR : LOG_INFO, "Daily event: '%s' returned %d", cmd, result);
    4844 }
    4845 if((sys_status & SS_NEW_MONTH) && cfg.sys_monthly[0]) {
    4846 lputs(LOG_INFO, "DAILY: Running monthly event");
    4847 const char* cmd = cmdstr(cfg.sys_monthly,nulstr,nulstr,NULL);
    4848 online = ON_LOCAL;
    CID 514519: (LOCK)
    "external" unlocks "this->input_thread_mutex" while it is unlocked. 4849 int result = external(cmd, EX_OFFLINE);
    4850 online = false;
    4851 lprintf(result ? LOG_ERR : LOG_INFO, "Monthly event: '%s' returned %d", cmd, result);
    4852 }
    4853 lputs(LOG_INFO, "DAILY: System maintenance ended");
    4854 sys_status&=~SS_DAILY;
    /main.cpp: 4849 in sbbs_t::daily_maint()()
    4843 lprintf(result ? LOG_ERR : LOG_INFO, "Daily event: '%s' returned %d", cmd, result);
    4844 }
    4845 if((sys_status & SS_NEW_MONTH) && cfg.sys_monthly[0]) {
    4846 lputs(LOG_INFO, "DAILY: Running monthly event");
    4847 const char* cmd = cmdstr(cfg.sys_monthly,nulstr,nulstr,NULL);
    4848 online = ON_LOCAL;
    CID 514519: (LOCK)
    "external" locks "this->input_thread_mutex" while it is locked.
    4849 int result = external(cmd, EX_OFFLINE);
    4850 online = false;
    4851 lprintf(result ? LOG_ERR : LOG_INFO, "Monthly event: '%s' returned %d", cmd, result);
    4852 }
    4853 lputs(LOG_INFO, "DAILY: System maintenance ended");
    4854 sys_status&=~SS_DAILY;

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3DmVJv_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQZYt7Pe-2B8KlpNPxf3vYfbGXTetKrkOysaWsLoXwVVJy-2BlT3vWHLSa-2F-2BgpVoMRk-2FB9lZhpdNOATgKKch-2FKRWKdw7CGPsa8-2BoRGvrYP8DjPqUmQVJXsmXD2xm4gPlAPoQOpnW8tWCZcdj7lp745Fp7QOqFvNAcU4EQLHiapc9wQpj6A-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Sun Nov 10 14:42:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    2 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    3 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 2 of 2 defect(s)

    ** CID 514629: API usage errors (PW.PRINTF_ARG_MISMATCH) /tmp/sbbs-Nov-10-2024/src/smblib/smblib.c: 298 in ()

    *** CID 514629: API usage errors (PW.PRINTF_ARG_MISMATCH) /tmp/sbbs-Nov-10-2024/src/smblib/smblib.c: 298 in ()
    292 else
    293 if(time(NULL)-start>=(time_t)smb->retry_time) 294 break;
    295 ++count;
    296 SLEEP((count / 10) * smb->retry_delay);
    297 }
    CID 514629: API usage errors (PW.PRINTF_ARG_MISMATCH)
    argument is incompatible with corresponding format string conversion (expected type "int" but argument has type "long")
    298 safe_snprintf(smb->last_error,sizeof(smb->last_error),"%s timeout locking message base after %d seconds", __FUNCTION__, time(NULL) - start);
    299 return(SMB_ERR_TIMEOUT);
    300 }
    302 /****************************************************************************/
    303 /* Read the SMB header from the header file and place into smb.status */

    ** CID 514628: API usage errors (PRINTF_ARGS)

    *** CID 514628: API usage errors (PRINTF_ARGS) /tmp/sbbs-Nov-10-2024/src/smblib/smblib.c: 298 in smb_locksmbhdr()
    292 else
    293 if(time(NULL)-start>=(time_t)smb->retry_time) 294 break;
    295 ++count;
    296 SLEEP((count / 10) * smb->retry_delay);
    297 }
    CID 514628: API usage errors (PRINTF_ARGS)
    Argument "time(NULL) - start" to format specifier "%d" was expected to have type "int" but has type "long".
    298 safe_snprintf(smb->last_error,sizeof(smb->last_error),"%s timeout locking message base after %d seconds", __FUNCTION__, time(NULL) - start);
    299 return(SMB_ERR_TIMEOUT);
    300 }
    302 /****************************************************************************/
    303 /* Read the SMB header from the header file and place into smb.status */

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3D04SY_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQbRNqpwvGc4zcZ5uKeIndhuSqNnxi4ZbqnqhqxxcEUjkJJHGyGkBZt6V7UXUX2xnB2lvPBmqBCBxBghPzBYV7kJY89l3F0Je2EKuh7lbcH1Ki5248pEoplbC6UdQ14IH1AzZ-2BYu06Kjq-2F-2BS7xugvit0MheMfmyl63WZ-2BGQqWv04fA-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Mon Nov 11 14:28:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    4 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 514647: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    /userdat.c: 1397 in getnodeext()

    *** CID 514647: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    /userdat.c: 1397 in getnodeext()
    1391 {
    1392 int f;
    1394 if(!VALID_CFG(cfg) || num < 1)
    1395 return "";
    1396 if((f = opennodeext(cfg)) < 1)
    CID 514647: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    Handle variable "f" going out of scope leaks the handle.
    1397 return "";
    1398 (void)lseek(f, (num-1) * 128, SEEK_SET);
    1399 if(read(f, buf, 128) != 128)
    1400 memset(buf, 0, 128);
    1401 close(f);
    1402 buf[127] = 0;

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3DNrRS_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQZ3ELp6fsbhc-2FY9mD5Zp1-2FoSxtPMVY9W2gQFqb-2BWiMKBXb3R551uQj1an4L8jxHGCtVzJ8f8hTy9TuLVRQzLD3L1M-2FICoSbiZvQ-2FUBPSeV-2BCcsclK4jYNyukSMcGAKOr-2BtLQBr5jUdpUtVX-2FuxQBKwF4hNcUqyrDA8X7YI-2FfcIZtw-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Tue Nov 19 13:40:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    3 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    2 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 3 of 3 defect(s)

    ** CID 515048: Security best practices violations (SECURE_TEMP)
    /sbbsecho.c: 1848 in add_areas_from_echolists()

    *** CID 515048: Security best practices violations (SECURE_TEMP)
    /sbbsecho.c: 1848 in add_areas_from_echolists()
    1842 match=0;
    1843 for(k=0; cfg.listcfg[j].keys[k] ;k++) {
    1844 if(match) break;
    1845 for(x=0; nodecfg->keys[x] ;x++) {
    1846 if(!stricmp(cfg.listcfg[j].keys[k]
    1847 ,nodecfg->keys[x])) {
    CID 515048: Security best practices violations (SECURE_TEMP)
    "tmpfile" creates files with predictable names, which is unsafe.
    1848 if((fwdfile=tmpfile())==NULL) { 1849 lprintf(LOG_ERR,"ERROR line %d opening forward temp "
    1850 "file",__LINE__);
    1851 match=1;
    1852 break;
    1853 }

    ** CID 515047: Control flow issues (NO_EFFECT)
    /sbbsecho.c: 1635 in alter_areas_ini()

    *** CID 515047: Control flow issues (NO_EFFECT)
    /sbbsecho.c: 1635 in alter_areas_ini()
    1629 continue;
    1630 }
    1631 }
    1632 if(add_area[0] != NULL) { /* Check for areas to add */
    1633 bool add_all = (stricmp(add_area[0], "+ALL") == 0);
    1634 j = strListFind(add_area, echotag, /* case-sensitive */false);
    CID 515047: Control flow issues (NO_EFFECT)
    This greater-than-or-equal-to-zero comparison of an unsigned value is always true. "j >= 0U".
    1635 if(add_all || j >= 0) {
    1636 if(j >= 0)
    1637 add_area[j][0]=0; /* So we can check other lists */
    1638 uint areanum = find_area(echotag);
    1639 if(!area_is_valid(areanum)) {
    1640 lprintf(LOG_ERR, "Invalid area num on line %d", __LINE__);

    ** CID 515046: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /sbbsecho.c: 1989 in alter_areas()

    *** CID 515046: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /sbbsecho.c: 1989 in alter_areas()
    1983 ,smb_faddrtoa(&addr,NULL), (ulong)added, cfg.areafile);
    1984 if(deleted)
    1985 lprintf(LOG_DEBUG, "AreaFix (for %s) Removed links to %lu areas in %s"
    1986 ,smb_faddrtoa(&addr,NULL), (ulong)deleted, cfg.areafile);
    1987 if(added || deleted) {
    1988 if(stat(cfg.areafile, &st) == 0)
    CID 515046: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    Calling "chmod(outpath, st.st_mode)" without checking return value. This library function may fail and return an error code.
    1989 chmod(outpath, st.st_mode);
    1990 if(cfg.areafile_backups == 0 || !backup(cfg.areafile, cfg.areafile_backups, /* ren: */TRUE))
    1991 delfile(cfg.areafile, __LINE__); /* Delete AREAS.BBS */
    1992 if(rename(outpath,cfg.areafile)) /* Rename new AREAS.BBS file */
    1993 lprintf(LOG_ERR,"ERROR line %d renaming %s to %s",__LINE__,outpath,cfg.areafile);
    1994 }

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3D1jSz_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQbxEcP2FV-2FE8SZ4Zj-2B5i-2FvXMBc1u-2B9IyI73gYzjnV6pIIbqC2pGfKYB3KXIl7XZEKXLdLz8vi8-2BwsF6O91kuZqV1ShM13vaTkO37J3VV7GT6YwOX288v8WtwpdrdHMhRE2EqIozgp1HMSE07wuarfyxBLAND56oVPlNda7IFeLuFA-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Thu Nov 21 13:54:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    2 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 515063: Security best practices violations (SECURE_TEMP)
    /sbbsecho.c: 2142 in areamgr_command()

    *** CID 515063: Security best practices violations (SECURE_TEMP)
    /sbbsecho.c: 2142 in areamgr_command()
    2136 nodecfg->archive = SBBSECHO_ARCHIVE_NONE;
    2137 else {
    2138 for(u=0;u<cfg.arcdefs;u++)
    2139 if(stricmp(p,cfg.arcdef[u].name) == 0) 2140 break;
    2141 if(u==cfg.arcdefs) {
    CID 515063: Security best practices violations (SECURE_TEMP)
    "tmpfile" creates files with predictable names, which is unsafe.
    2142 if((tmpf=tmpfile())==NULL) {
    2143 lprintf(LOG_ERR,"ERROR line %d opening tmpfile()",__LINE__);
    2144 return false;
    2145 }
    2146 SAFEPRINTF(str, "Compression type unavailable: %s", p);
    2147 lprintf(LOG_INFO, "AreaMgr (for %s) %s", faddrtoa(&addr), str);

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3DGoz1_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQYHiJRuOAYx4mtSc3Rs7eY9P2HGERsO3Ui1TozxvEl3HSa54-2BxmZuyJa4rdPvK8KqeFliWPJD252StMkW9mo-2B6uT2KWq9YxJqegr2CCurq6i8coJamUQEMyVcyknmxOhR1KJArkVSLfkYq8-2BmPn9fVdieJLgwrSG692S4HB3dKfZQ-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Sun Nov 24 15:11:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    1 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 1 of 1 defect(s)

    ** CID 515130: Concurrent data access violations (MISSING_LOCK) /tmp/sbbs-Nov-24-2024/src/conio/sdl_con.c: 357 in sdl_get_bounds()

    *** CID 515130: Concurrent data access violations (MISSING_LOCK) /tmp/sbbs-Nov-24-2024/src/conio/sdl_con.c: 357 in sdl_get_bounds()
    351 SDL_Rect r;
    352 int ABUw, ABUh;
    353 int pixelw, pixelh;
    355 if (sdl.GetDisplayUsableBounds(0, &r) != 0)
    356 return false;
    CID 515130: Concurrent data access violations (MISSING_LOCK)
    Accessing "win" without holding lock "win_mutex". Elsewhere, "win" is written to with "win_mutex" held 1 out of 1 times.
    357 sdl.GetWindowSize(win, &ABUw, &ABUh);
    358 sdl.GetWindowSizeInPixels(win, &pixelw, &pixelh);
    359 if (pixelw == 0 || pixelh == 0 || ABUw == 0 || ABUh == 0) {
    360 *w = r.w;
    361 *h = r.h;
    362 return true;

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3D_t4Q_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQYVVBXfFUuA-2FsWyQ5uMS5ufMK7jgOcJ6VIupDH54bwQZq7SuxKbKUjUqnKiK9OnXbOb5gfXyBtjeI0-2BrMXfePEiZJ6tllUVEkd4WCimYeBdVV8tZ-2FZWYZleIzw9Ex3-2BGpSI29JxK7ySTVVle557znXI2HDyHti8hj8D3RvYxamaIw-3D-3D

    þ Synchronet þ Vertrauen þ Home of Synchronet þ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net