• My Global Journey

    From Thierry Olmedo@39:943/106 to Mickey on Sun May 12 19:10:52 2024
    Hola! Mickey
    Hello! Mickey

    El Lunes 23 Agosto 2021 a las 19:04, Mickey escribi˘ a All:

    Hello everyone. I finally made it over to North America, and set-up AmigaNET on Central Ontario Remote.
    I hope this little message appears where it should be.
    Mick Manning
    -(< Blindsided Blues >)-
    -+- Mystic BBS v1.12 A46 2020/08/26 (Raspberry Pi/32)
    + Origin: Central Ontario Remote BBS (39:902/547)

    all okkkk , regards


    BBS -> retrocomputacion.dynet.com

    --- GoldED 2.51.A1026 UNREG
    * Origin: 386DX_40mhz/DOS6.22/IBM_TCP-IP/BinkdDOS/Fmail1.6/Golded (39:943/106)