10th amendment discussion I think
Fraudulent AARP activities
disABLED Users Information Exchange.
The Aftershock software client
Alaska Off Topic Chatter
Politics Unlimited
I'ntl ALLFIX Support
ALT.BBS newsgroup from 1:396/45
ALT.BBS.ADS newsgroup from 1:396/45
ALT.BBS.ALLSYSOP newsgroup from 1:396/45
ALT.BBS.LISTS newsgroup from 1:396/45
ALT.BBS.MISC newsgroup from 1:396/45
ALT.BBS.MYSTIC newsgroup from 1:396/45
ALT.BBS.SYNCHRONET group from 1:396/45
ALT.BBS.SYSOP newsgroup from 1:396/45
ALT.BBS.WILDCAT newsgroup from 1:396/45
ALT.BBS.WWIV newsgroup from 1:396/45
ALT.RADIO.AMAT.DX newsgroup from 396/45
Amiga International Echo
Animal Rights
File announcements from Region 24
FidoNet Antiques Echo
Anti-Virus Discussion & News
Steve Jobs fetishistic worship
Fishkeeping, fresh and marine tank
Argus Support Echo
ARROWBRIDGE Doorgame by Mark Sinclair
TimEd, NetMgr, WIMM Support Conference
International Chatter
Audio Unlimited
Anything to do with cars
Aviation echo, airline-related news
Babylon 5 Discussions.
Science Research Echo
Bash-your-way to working Linux
Batch Language Programming
The International BBBS Support Echo
BBS Scene
The BBS Doorgame and Utility Discussion
Fidonet BBS Ads
BBS Software Chatter
DOS/Win/OS2/Unix Internet BBS Apps
The BBS Promotion "Team" Join Us!
News of free Belarus
International Bible Conference
The ubiquitous BinkD TCP/IP FTN mailer
Bird Watching
Blue Wave Mail System Support Echo
Discussions about the BSD OS's
Canadian chat conference
The Cats_Meow Sanity Check Echo
Commodore Computer Conference
Commercial for Sale Echo
CHAT echo
Cheepware Chat/Support
Classic Computers
The CNET BBS echo
Gossip and chit-chat echo
Communications Echo
Conspiracy Discussions
Controversial Topics
National Cooking Echo
Bead Work and Jewelry Making
Politics and Current Events
Internet security and threats
Support for the CyberBBS software
Discussions amongst fathers
D'Bridge Support Echo
DC comic books and related chatter
DEBATE Conference
Diabetes Chat/Support
International Dog Lovers Conference
DOOM (and other 3D games)
BBS Doorgames and discussions
DOS operating systems
Connecting DOS to the Internet
Free-for-all chat from Darkrealms BBS
Fidonet Echo Ads
Ezycom BBS Support for Sysop's
Ezycom 3rd Party Utilities
End Times
Emergency Communications
English Tutoring
Enthral software support
I have no idea
Earth & Space Sci-Tech + NASA
FrontDoor support conference
File Distribution Networks
FastEcho Mailprocessor Support
Some sort of file-request echo
FidoGazette: An Alternative Newsletter
Fidonet.org management and discussion
Some weird Fidonet/Telegram gateway crap
Supposed to be for discussing Fidonews
FIDOSOFT.GER, from Germany I think
General discussion on Husky Software
Fidonet testing echo
Fidonet Related SysOp Utils and Apps
ALLFIX International FILEFIND Echo
IFDC FileGate Project International
File/TIC announcements
Support for the Flash Mario game I think
Fmail support
I think its just the Fidonews ezine only
Public discussion of FTSC documents
FUNNY Jokes and Stories
Suggestions for improving Fidonet
Gecho processor support
GoldEd/GoldEd+ Chat/Support
Golden echo for some Russian software?
Guitar/Bass Guitar Topics
Guns N' Such
Gun Control
Amateur Radio Discussion
Amateur(HAM) Radio TECHnical Conference
Religion Debate Echo
Home Cooking
Home and gardening
Support for the HotDogEd software
Ireland & UK Genealogy
InterBBS Games
Fidonet International Coordinator echo
Something originating from 261/38
I have no idea
The convoluted mess that is IPV6
Internet Rex (FTN <=> Internet)
Support for the JAMNNTPD software client
Jazz music echo
Discussions about Jnode
Discussion about Knight Rider
Discussion about InterBBS League-1
The Linux Operating System
Ubuntu Linux
Linux BBS
Some weird area from 4:90/1
Sound reinforcement tools & techniques
L.O.R.D. Door Game Discussion
Bulletins from the ARRL
MakeNL Next Generation.
Marvel comic character universe chatter
The Mad Dog Matzdobre Echo
The Linux/FreeBSD MBSE BBS Support Echo
MBSE BBS software support
Nostalgia for the past
Not sure, possibly Christian related
Major League Baseball chatter
Not sure about this one
Movies & TV Discussion
Support for Maximus BBS software
Carry on, my wayward son
Mystic support echo
Forum for Fidonet developer questions
NFL football discussions
NHL hockey discussion
Fidonet International OS/2 Conference
Support For OS/2-Based BBS Software
OS/2: DOS and Windows applications
DOS-Based BBS on OS/2
OS2 HARDWARE mailing list
The FidoNet OS/2 Programming Echo
The FidoNet OS2REXX Echo
OS2 User mailing list
"Othernets" Ads
Pascal programming language discussions
Pascal Programming Lessons
PCBoard Support
Public Domain files echo, I think
Perl scripting language
PHONENET_FR+EN from 1:229/114
Public-Key Distribution Echo
Point usage discussion and support
General Political Discussion
Political Disorder Discussion Area
Politically Incorrect
PRISM Chat Echo
Official ProBoard BBS Support
Public-Key Discussion Echo
Support for the Python language
Region 18 file announcements?
Region 50 / Russian Sysops conference
Trains, model railroading hobby
RAR compressor program discussion
32Bit RemoteAccess Discussion Echo
RemoteAccess Multi-Node Sysops Echo
RemoteAccess Support Echo
RemoteAccess Utilities Echo
Support for the Raspberry Pi device
Renegade Software Discussion Area
RETROCOMP_FR+EN from 1:229/114
REXX Programming
Learn Russian by example
HAM radio scanning discussions I think
ShareWare Software Support Conference
Discussions about Slackware Linux
Global Spitfire BBS Support Echo
Chat about the show Stargate Atlantis
Echomail Stats & Info
Mutual support for survivors
Synchronet BBS Software
Synchronet/Baja/XSDK Programming
Synchronet BBS Software Support
Yet another Fido Sysop conference
OS/2 User Groups and Promotion
Terminate, The Final Terminal Support
Telegard BBS Support
Tornado BBS Software Support Echo
Star Trek General Discussions
Squish EchoMail Tosser, Help & Support
Advocacy for the Linux operating system
A net-wide BBS twit filter
Unidentified Flying Octopus
News in Ukraine in English
Usenet statistics from 1:229/426
UTF-8 encoded messages
Support for the Virtual Advanced BBS
News direct from the Vatican
Support for VIASOFT products
National Weather Network
Supposed to be for current events
Doctor Who and British SF TV
Chat about the WikiLeaks project
Support for the Wildcat BBS software
Chat about Windows 95, 98, ME systems
Microsoft Winows International Echo
Support for the WinPoint software
The FidoNet Words Conference
WWB Tech
WWIV BBS software
Weather Talk
The X-Files Discussion
Chat about articles from Yahoo News
Public discussions with the Fidonet ZCC
Discussing ZX spectrum and clones